I am trying to develop this project for my coming semester. Before beginning to start I want to know is this possible or not? It is similar to Old classical Dial-Up network but very different and very unique. Although Dial-Up services are available from service providers but, I don't want to use that.

So basically I want to use my GSM phone service to call my friend and share his WiFi network. So my App should be able to..

1) Initiate a call from GSM phone (Any service provider Bell, Talus etc)

2) My friend will receive a call who also have App installed and he should be able to activate the app during the active phone line.

3) Once app is activated the app in my friend's phone it should connect the GSM modem to WIFI in his phone.

4) Once Connected My phone should also connect the WiFi modem to GSM modem so, I can channel through the data packets from my phone to my friend's phone so that I can start surfing internet using his WiFi when he is in free WiFi zone lol.

I don't want to start doing this before knowing the complexity and time. Any Help will be appreciated. If anyone would like to do it together please feel free to send me an Gmail or Skype me ON: alir2t2


1 回答 1


GSM 是一种电路交换的语音优化服务,而不是数据服务。您提到拨打“电话” - 这个词通常用于语音通话。所以这是第一个问题。

问题是,您无法使用 GPRS/UMTS/LTE 网络直接与其他人的手机建立数据连接。您只能从手机到运营商核心网络中的服务器进行数据连接(例如 PDP 上下文)。然后,您可以在此基础上建立 IP 连接,连接到您想要的任何网站。

要将手机与朋友的手机连接,您需要点对点数据连接,例如蓝牙。(3GPP 正在讨论这样一个系统,用于紧急情况,但尚未实施,无论如何也只是短程。)

另一点是,如果您通过运营商的网络有数据连接到互联网,为什么要使用您朋友的 WiFi ......

于 2013-09-14T17:21:18.143 回答