I´m using jQGrid as my main data entry mechanism for an internet project.

I entered into ThemeRoller and did my custom theme, as I want Windows 8 look&feel. Everything fine, and I downloaded my theme.

Now I have problems attaching it to my jQGrid. I tried to change the following code:

            bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/jqgrid").Include(

To my new theme:

            bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/jqgrid").Include(

And I can see that no theme is being used (the lines, shadows and everything disappeared on screen).

I realized that I got several files downloaded from ThemeRoller, but I followed these steps here and here with no success.

This really can´t work as the original jquery.ui.all.css calls another files that does all the work. If I change this call, of course these itens will not be called.

The problems is that the files downloaded has incompatible match with the files I have in Content/themes, so there I don´t know how to match thigs.

I need help on that please. Also, if there is a better way to change jqGrid colors on the fly I would accept the hint, as it sounds much easier.

Help appreciated.


1 回答 1


我对 jqGrid 和 MVC 有类似的问题:jqGrid 结果溢出网格和“请选择行”消息

我最终创建了一个纯 HTML 页面以使一切正常工作。

不过,在此之前,您可能会验证是否正在加载正确的文件。您可以使用 IE 或 Chrome 开发工具来验证 css 文件是否已加载。

于 2013-09-04T23:30:53.183 回答