I try to fill a form with the values of System
def edit(id: Long) = IsAuthenticated { username => implicit request =>
User.findByEmail(username).map { user =>
System.findById(id).map { system =>
Ok(html.systems.editForm(id, systemForm.fill(system), Person.options, user))
but some of 'system' values are java.math.BigDecimal
val systemForm = Form(
"id" -> ignored(NotAssigned:Pk[BigDecimal]),
"sys_name" -> nonEmptyText,
"sys_desc" -> nonEmptyText,
"sys_owner1_id" -> longNumber,
"sys_owner2_id" -> optional(longNumber)
and it says :
type mismatch; found : (anorm.Pk[java.math.BigDecimal], String, String, String, Option[String], java.math.BigDecimal, Option[java.math.BigDecimal]) => models.System required: (anorm.Pk[java.math.BigDecimal], String, String, Long, Option[Long]) => ?
how can i handle this?