We’re looking for some development guidelines/assistance with respect to implementing a Drag-and-Drop function from MS Outlook into our web application (currently in development). Our ultimate aim is for our users to be able to drag emails from their Outlook instance into our application running in their browser. As it stands we’re able to achieve this functionality with a file (for example from the user’s desktop) but not directly from Outlook.

Our application is being developed using Visual Studio for PHP and an SQL Server 2012 backend.

Our progress so far: • We have an HTML5 control on our page which receives the javascript onDrop/OnDropStart/etc events and is able to enumerate and retrieve the content therein, files or otherwise; • When dragging emails (or other objects such as contacts) from Outlook (tested in Outlook 2010), we’re able to enumerate plain text data but not the MIME content of the email (message or attachments) • We’re able to enumerate and retrieve plain text and HTML content of an email by Ctrl+A on the contents and dragging that into the HTML control.

Where we need assistance is in understanding how to access and retrieve the full MIME content of an email from the drag/drop events the browser has access to. We’re aware of the PIO package for Visual Studio which would enable this for a local .NET application however we don’t appear to be able to use that for a web application.

As the product is in early development phase we’re open to suggestions and directions from Microsoft as to how we might best achieve this, including if we can get this done using .NET or ASP controls for the web application.


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请参阅相关的 SO 帖子

理论上,您可以为 IE 创建一个浏览器帮助对象 (dll)(对于其他浏览器也可以这样做,请参阅 Google Gears),它在浏览器窗口上安装自己的拖放处理程序并保存旧IDropTarget对象。当从 Outlook 中拖出一条消息时,您将获取CF_FILEDESCRIPTORCF_FILECONTENTS格式化(IE 无法理解),创建一个临时文件,并将 fake CF_HDROPIE 知道如何处理)传递给浏览器提供的旧 drop 处理程序。

我这样做了两次(FF 3.6 和 IE),它似乎工作得很好。

另请记住,Outlook 不会保留原始 MIME 源。拖动时,您可以做的最好的事情是获取 MSG 格式的消息,然后您可以使用扩展 MAPI(C++ 或 Delphi)或直接 COM API(MSG 是一个 OLE 存储文件)来读取它。

于 2013-09-04T23:57:31.477 回答

天哪,我找到了一个免费的解决方案: https ://tonyfederer.github.io/OutlookFileDrag/




于 2018-04-05T17:02:03.330 回答