Powershell 中是否有任何类似于 Python 中的请求或 Ruby 中的机械化的 HTTP 库?我想要的是一个 PowerShell 库,它可以轻松发送GET
请求并轻松管理请求之间的 cookie。这种图书馆存在吗?谢谢。
762 次
2 回答
我不知道你提到的任何一个库,但这听起来像是 Invoke-WebRequest 可以做的事情。为此,您将需要 PowerShell v3。以下是此命令文档中的示例。这里和这里是其他一些例子。
PS C:\> # Sends a sign-in request by running the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. The command specifies a value of "fb" for the SessionVariable parameter, and saves the results in the $r variable.
$r=Invoke-WebRequest http://www.facebook.com/login.php -SessionVariable fb
# Use the session variable that you created in Example 1. Output displays values for Headers, Cookies, Credentials, etc.
# Gets the first form in the Forms property of the HTTP response object in the $r variable, and saves it in the $form variable.
$form = $r.Forms[0]
# Pipes the form properties that are stored in the $forms variable into the Format-List cmdlet, to display those properties in a list.
$form | Format-List
# Displays the keys and values in the hash table (dictionary) object in the Fields property of the form.
# The next two commands populate the values of the "email" and "pass" keys of the hash table in the Fields property of the form. Of course, you can replace the email and password with values that you want to use.
$form.Fields["email"] = "User01@Fabrikam.com"
$form.Fields["pass"] = "P@ssw0rd"
# The final command uses the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet to sign in to the Facebook web service.
$r=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("https://www.facebook.com" + $form.Action) -WebSession $fb -Method POST -Body $form.Fields
于 2013-09-04T20:44:12.700 回答
(需要 PowerShell v3)。
于 2013-09-04T20:41:29.847 回答