I've an app which is deployed on to a cluster with 2 jvms. The web application has cache implemented using Mbeans and the cache runs on each jvm. the cache is refreshed with a request pattern */refresh. The problem is that when the request goes through ODR, it routes it to only one server and the cache for only one server is refreshed. How do I solve this problem? Cache replication? I think it might be lot of work to implement cache replication. Any other solutions? Websphere api's ?

if I get the current instance of the application, I'm thinking of using AdminClient to get the clusters and then call the request on all the nodes on which the application is installed except for the current instance.


2 回答 2


执行此操作的 Websphere 方法是将 DynaCache 功能与 DRS 一起使用。DynaCache 是一种哈希映射,可以分布在 DRS 集群成员之间。dynacache 有一个 API,DistributedMap,它扩展了 java.util.Map。还有很多配置(通过 AdminConsole 和 cachespec.xml)和监控可能性(带有 TPV 的 PMI)。

技术概述: http ://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/lnxinfo/v3r0m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fliaag%2Fcache%2Fpubwasdynacachoverview.htm

分布式地图 API http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/adiehelp/v5r1m1/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.wasee.doc%2Finfo%2Fee%2Fjavadoc%2Fee%2Fcom%2Fibm%2Fwebsphere%2Fcache %2FDistributedMap.html

developerworks 的一篇好文章 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/0906_salvarinov/0906_salvarinov.html

于 2013-09-05T06:44:38.857 回答

我们做类似事情的粗略方式是直接访问每个 Web Container 的端口。如果您能够联系到他们,那就是。

于 2013-09-04T20:58:24.193 回答