we maintain online book shop using java wicket and it also have search function for finding books in MYSQL database. If someone search for "Fiction" in the search box, the results will contain metadata of each result. If a user click on title, it will take him/her to details page.

I have a requirement to add functionality of reviews box/form in the details page using spring. we do maintian 2 other websites which needs similar sort of work. So we decided to develope this feature as a small individual and re-usable application then integrate into java Wicket or ZEND framework. what i need to do is:- 1) get details from the form like name, email and review information - JSP or HTML, JQUERY 2) show the entered review on the web page and post those details to MYSQL (update the reviews table in db) when form submitted. springREST

Is it really possible to accomplish using SpringREST? or is there any options for this? can anyone give some ideas on this requirement how to do?


1 回答 1


你当然可以做到这一点。如果您使用 javascript 实现此新功能,则可以将其包含到两个框架中。我建议您使用 AngularJS 或 Bootstrap 之类的 javascript 框架,因为它们会使调用其余服务更容易。


在这里,您将找到一个使用 AngularJS 调用 REST 服务的示例如何在我的 AngularJS 页面中从 RESTful API 访问服务?

于 2013-09-05T06:46:47.350 回答