Have regular builds that appear on a teamcity server. I manually take them down and configure for integration testing and so forth. The build link location is of the following format: http://TCServer.com/repository/download/constant/321812:id/BuildB.zip

Previous build could look like: http://TCServer.com/repository/download/constant/321796:id/BuildA.zip

The url as far as "constant" never changes but the rest is dynamic. Because the "Artifacts" links are popups, it's unclear how to get this link through scripting, (still wet behind ears when it comes to this language). Is there a python plugin for TC that may help in this regard?


2 回答 2


有一种方法可以在单个 zip 存档中下载构建的所有工件:http:///repository/downloadAll//61158:id/artifacts.zip

您还可以下载最后完成/成功/固定构建的所有工件(如果您不知道构建 ID,则很有用):http:///repository/downloadAll//latest.lastSuccessful/artifacts.zip

您可以使用 latest.lastSuccessful、latest.lastFinished 和 latest.lastPinned 定位器。

于 2013-09-04T20:44:13.717 回答

teamcity 工件的后端实际上使用了 Apache Ivy(也可以选择使用 Nuget)。您可以直接从中提取工件,我按照 jetbrains 给出的示例使用 ant 执行此操作:http: //confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD7/Artifact+Dependencies

于 2013-09-06T12:59:46.980 回答