我用css在我的macbook上建立了我的网站来决定页面的样式,但是现在我回到了我的imac,当我查看页面时,字体默认为Times New Roman。

它在我的 Macbook 上使用正确的字体在 Firefox/Safari/Chrome 中运行,现在没有浏览器显示我使用的字体。字体本身是 Apple 的默认字体,并安装在我的电脑上,所以我终其一生都无法弄清楚为什么它不能正常显示。

网站是: 歪卡通。


2 回答 2


Your page uses a font named Tw Cen MT, regular and bold typeface. That’s a Microsoft font, which is shipped with some software like Microsoft Office 2007. So you cannot expect users’ system to have it. I don’t see what you mean by “The font itself is a default one for Apple”, but if you have the font, it might be installed under such a name that browsers don’t find it. This issue is, anyway, rather immaterial in comparison with the most relevant question “Do visitors in general see the text in that font?”</p>

The conclusion is that unless you are targeting only audience that has such a font in their systems, you should try and find a commonly available font, or alternatively a free font that you can embed with @font-face.

于 2013-09-04T16:08:08.567 回答

Do other sites using the same typeface look correct for you? If not, it may be that the font file on your machine has become corrupt or is identifying under a different name that needs to be specified in the CSS.

Beyond that, it may be advisable to stack other fonts behind it as alternatives; I happen to have that font on my machine, but I don't know how many others do. A webfont might be a good choice for the most consistence in appearance across the board.

于 2013-09-04T15:56:09.857 回答