我已经安装了 sublime text 2 和 SublimeLinter。一切正常,但是当我尝试保存 python 文件时,它总是向我抛出以下错误。
Writing file /home/asd/git/regex-gen/regular_expressions.py with encoding UTF-8
An exception occured when running pep8 checker: 'int' object has no attribute 'lineno'
error: Fatal pylint error:
pylint.utils.UnknownMessage: No such message id C0303
编辑:我试图关闭 pep8 检查,问题仍然存在,只是将错误日志更改为:
Writing file /home/asd/git/regex-gen/supportive_functions.py with encoding UTF-8
error: Fatal pylint error:
pylint.utils.UnknownMessage: No such message id C0303