我在下面发布了一个 Excel 导出类的代码(无论如何,大部分都是)。我遇到的问题是这种导出在注入攻击时并不安全。我可以很容易地用参数屏蔽初始命令,但是,当我将参数化命令传递给 Export(string) 方法时,它会丢失以前在参数中设置的值;它只传递文字字符串(即 SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN_NAME = @Parameter1)。我想弄清楚的是一种防止此代码不安全的方法。我真的需要这个功能。由于应用程序的目标受众,过去它一直很好,但我不能使用这个特定的代码,因为它会面向客户并且更不开放给公众使用。:/关于我如何实现这一目标的任何建议?

public static void Export(string CrossoverStatement = "SELECT * FROM TABLE")
    // @@Parameters
    // CrossoverStatement string :
    //     This is the string representation of the procedure executed to obtain the desired crossover query results.

    //Create our database connection as well as the excel reference and workbook/worksheet we are using to export the data
    string ODBCConnection = "SERVER INFO";

    Application xls = new Application();
    xls.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1;
    // Create our new excel application and add our workbooks/worksheets
    Workbook Workbook = xls.Workbooks.Add();
    Worksheet CrossoverPartsWorksheet = xls.Worksheets[1];
    // Hide our excel object if it's visible.
    xls.Visible = false;
    // Turn off screen updating so our export will process more quickly.
    xls.ScreenUpdating = false;

    CrossoverPartsWorksheet.Name = "Crossover";
    if (CrossoverStatement != string.Empty)
        var xlsheet = CrossoverPartsWorksheet.ListObjects.AddEx(SourceType: XlListObjectSourceType.xlSrcExternal,
                                                                Source: ODBCConnection,
                                                                Destination: xls.Range["$A$1"]).QueryTable;
        xlsheet.CommandText = CrossoverStatement;
        xlsheet.RowNumbers = false;
        xlsheet.FillAdjacentFormulas = false;
        xlsheet.PreserveColumnInfo = true;
        xlsheet.PreserveFormatting = true;
        xlsheet.RefreshOnFileOpen = false;
        xlsheet.BackgroundQuery = false;
        xlsheet.SavePassword = false;
        xlsheet.AdjustColumnWidth = true;
        xlsheet.RefreshPeriod = 0;
        xlsheet.RefreshStyle = XlCellInsertionMode.xlInsertEntireRows;
        xlsheet.ListObject.ShowAutoFilter = false;
        xlsheet.ListObject.TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium16";
        // Unlink our table from the server and convert to a range.
        // Freeze our column headers.
        xls.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = true;
        xls.ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = false;
        // Autofit our rows and columns.
        // Select the first cell in the worksheet.
        // Turn off alerts to prevent asking for 'overwrite existing' and 'save changes' messages.
        xls.DisplayAlerts = false;

    // Make our excel application visible
    xls.Visible = true;

    // Release our resources.

1 回答 1


这是我能想到的完成这个请求的最佳方法。执行参数化查询并将结果数据传递到您可以在调用 Export(datatable) 时使用的表。


public static void Export(System.Data.DataTable CrossoverDataTable)
    // @@Parameters
    // CrossoverDataTable DataTable :
    //     This is a data table containing information to be exported to our excel application.
    //     Requested as a way to circumvent sql injection opposed to the initial overload accepting only a string .commandtext.

    Application xls = new Application();
    xls.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1;

    // Create our new excel application and add our workbooks/worksheets
    Workbook Workbook = xls.Workbooks.Add();
    Worksheet CrossoverPartsWorksheet = xls.Worksheets[1];

    // Hide our excel object if it's visible.
    xls.Visible = false;

    // Turn off screen updating so our export will process more quickly.
    xls.ScreenUpdating = false;

    // Turn off calculations if set to automatic; this can help prevent memory leaks.
    xls.Calculation = xls.Calculation == XlCalculation.xlCalculationAutomatic ? XlCalculation.xlCalculationManual : XlCalculation.xlCalculationManual;

    // Create an excel table and fill it will our query table.
    CrossoverPartsWorksheet.Name = "Crossover Data";

        // Create a row with our column headers.
        for (int column = 0; column < CrossoverDataTable.Columns.Count; column++)
            CrossoverPartsWorksheet.Cells[1, column + 1] = CrossoverDataTable.Columns[column].ColumnName;

        // Export our datatable information to excel.
        for (int row = 0; row < CrossoverDataTable.Rows.Count; row++)
            for (int column = 0; column < CrossoverDataTable.Columns.Count; column++)
                CrossoverPartsWorksheet.Cells[row + 2, column + 1] = (CrossoverDataTable.Rows[row][column].ToString());

    // Freeze our column headers.
    xls.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = true;
    xls.ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = false;

    // Autofit our rows and columns.

    // Select the first cell in the worksheet.

    // Turn off alerts to prevent asking for 'overwrite existing' and 'save changes' messages.
    xls.DisplayAlerts = false;

    // ******************************************************************************************************************
    // This section is commented out for now but can be enabled later to have excel sheets show on screen after creation.
    // ******************************************************************************************************************
    // Make our excel application visible
    xls.Visible = true;

    // Turn screen updating back on
    xls.ScreenUpdating = true;

    // Turn automatic calulation back on
    xls.Calculation = XlCalculation.xlCalculationAutomatic;

    // Release our resources.
于 2013-09-04T19:56:43.840 回答