在我的应用程序中,我需要创建一个包含用户名和密码组合的注册表单。但它需要加密到服务器。请告诉我是否可以使用 SSL,如果可以,如何使用?
我在猜测,但如果你想发生真正的握手,你必须让 android 知道你的证书。如果您无论如何都想接受,请使用此伪代码通过 Apache HTTP 客户端获取您需要的内容:
SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry ();
schemeRegistry.register (new Scheme ("http",
PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory (), 80));
schemeRegistry.register (new Scheme ("https",
new CustomSSLSocketFactory (), 443));
ThreadSafeClientConnManager cm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager (
params, schemeRegistry);
return new DefaultHttpClient (cm, params);
// CustomSSLSocketFactory:
public class CustomSSLSocketFactory extends org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
private SSLSocketFactory FACTORY = HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory ();
public CustomSSLSocketFactory ()
SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance ("TLS");
TrustManager[] tm = new TrustManager[] { new FullX509TrustManager () };
context.init (null, tm, new SecureRandom ());
FACTORY = context.getSocketFactory ();
catch (Exception e)
public Socket createSocket() throws IOException
return FACTORY.createSocket();
// TODO: add other methods like createSocket() and getDefaultCipherSuites().
// Hint: they all just make a call to member FACTORY
//FullX509TrustManager is a class that implements javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager, yet none of the methods actually perform any work, get a sample here.