您可以为此collectData(records, startIndex)
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
viewConfig: {
//this method needs to be adjusted
collectData: function(records, startIndex) {
var me = this;
//we can use a custom function for this
if (me.onBeforeCollectData) {
var data = me.superclass.collectData.call(me, records, startIndex);
return data;
onBeforeCollectData: function(records) {
var newExtraParams = [];
var oldExtraParams;
var needToLoadStore = false;
var contactStore = Ext.StoreManager.lookup('Contacts');
if (contactStore) {
oldExtraParams = contactStore.oldExtraParams;
} else {
//don't use autLoad: true, this will be a local store
contactStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
needToLoadStore = true;
for (var x in records) {
//contact_id is read out here
var param = records[x].get('contact_id');
if (param) {
if (needToLoadStore == false && Ext.Array.contains(oldExtraParams, param) == false) {
needToLoadStore = true;
if (needToLoadStore == true) {
//we use this to load the store data => because of async: false property
scope: this,
//this is for synchronous calls
async: false,
url: (...),
method: (...),
params: newExtraParams,
success: function (res, opt) {
var responseObj = Ext.decode(res.responseText, false);
contactStore.loadData(responseObj); //or deeper in the responseObj if needed
contactStore.oldExtraParams = newExtraParams;