I have created a a range chart in the Visual Studio for SSRS 2008 R2, and to this I added a median line. However, the SSRS will happily ignore any formatting I set for this median line UNLESS the same setting for the range formatting is set to none/automatic. So it will inherit the range's color, marker, and size. For reference:

Bad Graph 1

Note the faint, long line along the top (very hard to see) that is the same color as the range. I added a Moving Average (dark blue) line as well to show that it's not just using a calculated series that is the problem.

Bad Graph 2

Here I've set the range to "Automatic", which means that the line takes the red color I set it to, but still doesn't take on the desired thickness. (I set the Median line to Red here for better contrast.)

Bad Graph 3

And this is what I'm trying to accomplish. (Not the desired final color/width, but this shows the difference between settings and what is created.)

Is there any way to get the calculated line to stop inheriting the range's settings? I did find this, but the work-around listed there is not working for me. If not, is there a way I can calculate the median using my own line, rather than a calculated series?


1 回答 1


今天与我的老板交谈,我需要有 AVG(),而不是中位数。这就是生活。



(这只会在您不关心 Range 的颜色时有所帮助)

ColorRange 的 设置为Automatic,然后将ColorDerived/Calculated Series 的 设置为您想要的。要更改派生系列的格式BorderMarker格式,请在基础范围中更改它们(范围图类型似乎忽略了这些属性,至少据我所知。)请注意,将BorderStyle范围设置为None将保持中位数无论其他设置如何,都显示出来。




首先,我从另一个问题中找到了这个答案,以找到一种很好且干净的方法来找到中位数。不幸的是,这不涉及任何类型的分组,所以我不得不扩展它。我首先将最初返回的数据放入一个临时表中@t。然后我将查询更改为INNER JOIN按我想要的分组子查询,得到以下内容:

SELECT (BottomHalf+TopHalf)/2 as Median, B.PeriodRaw, B.WeekNumber FROM
    (SELECT MAX(Ratio) as BottomHalf, PeriodRaw, WeekNumber FROM
        (SELECT TOP 50 PERCENT Ratio, PeriodRaw, WeekNumber FROM @t ORDER BY Ratio) m
        GROUP BY PeriodRaw, WeekNumber) AS B
    (SELECT MIN(Ratio) as TopHalf, PeriodRaw, WeekNumber FROM
        (SELECT TOP 50 PERCENT Ratio, PeriodRaw, WeekNumber FROM @t ORDER BY Ratio DESC) n
        GROUP BY PeriodRaw, WeekNumber) AS T



SELECT (BottomHalf+TopHalf)/2 as Median, MaxRatio, MinRatio, B.PeriodRaw, B.WeekNumber FROM
    (SELECT MAX(Ratio) as BottomHalf, PeriodRaw, WeekNumber FROM
        (SELECT TOP 50 PERCENT Ratio, PeriodRaw, WeekNumber FROM @t ORDER BY Ratio) m
        GROUP BY PeriodRaw, WeekNumber) AS B
    (SELECT MIN(Ratio) as TopHalf, PeriodRaw, WeekNumber FROM
        (SELECT TOP 50 PERCENT Ratio, PeriodRaw, WeekNumber FROM @t ORDER BY Ratio DESC) n
        GROUP BY PeriodRaw, WeekNumber) AS T
    ON B.PeriodRaw = T.PeriodRaw AND B.WeekNumber = T.WeekNumber
    (SELECT MAX(Ratio) as MaxRatio, PeriodRaw, WeekNumber FROM @t GROUP BY PeriodRaw, WeekNumber) X
    ON B.PeriodRaw = X.PeriodRaw AND B.WeekNumber = X.WeekNumber
    (SELECT MIN(Ratio) as MinRatio, PeriodRaw, WeekNumber FROM @t GROUP BY PeriodRaw, WeekNumber) N
    ON B.PeriodRaw = N.PeriodRaw AND B.WeekNumber = N.WeekNumber

从这里开始很简单。像往常一样创建您的范围图,然后为中位数添加一个新值。右键单击系列(在图表数据框或图表本身,没关系),然后单击Change Chart Type。从该列表中,选择您选择的线路并点击确定。您可能必须将值数据更改回中位数(如果它显示“Y 值”)。而已!现在,您将 Median 放在单独的一行中,以便您可以根据自己的喜好对其进行格式化。


于 2013-09-04T20:06:22.320 回答