
rails new testapp
cd testapp/
rails plugin new blog --mountable
cd blog/
rails g scaffold post name description:text
rake db:migrate
cd ../
rails s

转到 localhost:3000/blog/posts/index,我收到错误“没有路由匹配 [GET]”/blog/posts/index“”



1 回答 1


Putting the engine at some random directory inside your application won't make it magically work. I don't know where you learned this technique from, but it is wrong.

You should put the engine outside your application and require it into your application's Gemfile, like this:

gem 'blog', :path => '../blog'

Then the engine will be automatically loaded by Rails.

The Engines Guide goes into more detail. I highly recommend reading that.

于 2013-09-04T00:26:05.407 回答