我真的不知道 Drupal,但设法创建了一个简单的 HTML 页面,我想使用输入的名字和姓氏来运行 snoopy.class.php 以在网站上运行脚本以检索一些数据。该按钮应该运行一个将提交 URL 但我没有得到任何结果的函数。
因为我不知道如何在 Drupal 中调试,所以我添加了一些echo
语句来查看代码运行了多远,当它尝试创建一个新的 snoopy 对象时它似乎停止了。我下载了该课程并将其放在我认为可以访问的文件夹中,即 public_html/tools 它:
-rw-r--r-- 1 agentpitstop apache 37815 Sep 3 21:03 Snoopy.class.php
<form method="post">
<p>Last Name: <input type="text" name="lastname" /><br />
First Name: <input type="text" name="firstname" /></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Send it!"></p>
echo "1st display <br />\n";
$url = "https://pdb-services-beta.nipr.com/pdb-xml-reports/hitlist_xml.cgi?";
$url = $url . "customer_number=beta83agent&pin_number=nipr123&report_type=1";
$lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
$parms = array("name_last"=>$lastname,"name_first"=>$firstname);
echo "2nd display <br />\n";
$result = curl_download($url,$parms);
$nipr_id = $xml->NPN;
echo "url " . $url . "<br />\n";
echo "Agent " . $_POST['firstname'] . " " . $_POST['lastname'] . " Id is:". $nipr_id . "<br />\n";
echo "3rd Result from call " . $result . "<br />\n";
include "Snoopy.class.php";
function curl_download($url,$parms)
echo "in call to curldownload ";
$snoopy = new Snoopy();
echo "after setting object";
$snoopy->curl_path = "/usr/bin/curl"; # Or whatever your path to curl is - 'which curl' in terminal will give it to you. Needed because snoopy uses standalone curl to deal with https sites, not php_curl builtin.
echo "after setting path";
$snoopy->httpsmethod = "POST";
echo "after setting post";
$snoopy->submit($url, $parms);
echo "after setting submit";
print $snoopy->results;
echo "results: " . results;
return $snoopy->results;