def restart_program():
"""Restarts the current program.
Note: this function does not return. Any cleanup action (like
saving data) must be done before calling this function."""
logger.info("RESTARTING SCRIPT")
# command to extract the PID from all the python processes
# in the process list
CMD="/bin/ps ax | grep python | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'"
#executing above command and redirecting the stdout int subprocess instance
p = subprocess.Popen(CMD, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
#reading output into a string
pidstr = p.communicate()[0]
#load pidstring into list by breaking at \n
pidlist = pidstr.split("\n")
#get pid of this current process
mypid = str(os.getpid())
#iterate through list killing all left over python processes other than this one
for pid in pidlist:
#find mypid
if mypid in pid:
logger.debug("THIS PID "+pid)
#kill all others
logger.debug("KILL "+pid)
pidint = int(pid)
os.kill(pidint, signal.SIGTERM)
logger.error("CAN NOT KILL PID: "+pid)
python = sys.executable
os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)