在 Yii 框架中使用 Behat,我观察到它非常奇怪的行为: Behat 在使用如下步骤时找不到一些文本
Then I should see "some text"
它发现一些文本正常,但有些 - 不是。为了确保我在我认为我所在的页面上,我在视图文件中添加了一些标记,Behat 可以看到它们。
Scenario: editing journal
Given the following journals are present:
| name | link | description |
| Murzilka | http://www.murz.com | advanced child journal|
| Nature | www nature com | nice journal |
When I am on edit page for journal "Nature"
Then I should see "Update Nature"
Then I should see "nice journal"
Then I should see "1qazxsw2" <-- a marker
Then I should see "2wsxcde3" <-- a marker
Then I should see "www nature com"
Scenario: editing journal
# features\journal.feature:21
Given the following journals are present:
# FeatureContext::theFollowingJournalsArePresent()
| name | link | description |
| Murzilka | http://www.murz.com | advanced child journal |
| Nature | www nature com | nice journal |
When I am on edit page for journal "Nature"
# FeatureContext::iAmOnEditPageForJournal()
Then I should see "Update Nature"
# FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()
Then I should see "nice journal"
# FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()
Then I should see "1qazxsw2"
# FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()
Then I should see "2wsxcde3"
# FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()
Then I should see "www nature com"
# FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()
The text "www nature com" was not found anywhere in the text of the current page.
奇怪的是,如果我转到页面(在测试环境中),我会看到所有这些短语,包括“www nature com”。