

为了使其成为“二进制”数据,在“我可以将这些数据视为原始位,因为我从磁盘读取和写入它”的意义上,数据的类型必须是二进制和位。而且,要对其进行排序,它必须是 Ord 的成员。



{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put

type Sortable = forall a. (Bits a, Binary a, Ord a) => a

data SortOpts = SortOpts { maxFiles :: Int
    , maxMemory :: Integer
    , maxThreads :: Int
    , binType    :: Sortable

defaultOpts = SortOpts { maxFiles = 128
    , maxMemory = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000
    , maxThreads = 4
    , binType = 0 :: Word32

putBinaryValues :: Binary a => Handle -> [a] -> IO ()
putBinaryValues out vals = do
    let bytes = runPut . mapM_ put $ vals
    BL.hPut out bytes

binaryValues :: (Binary a, Bits a) => a -> Handle -> IO [a]
binaryValues t inf = do 
    size <- hFileSize inf
    let cast = runGet (genericReplicateM (size `div` byteWidth) get)
    cast . BL.fromChunks . (:[]) <$> BS.hGetContents inf
    where genericReplicateM n = sequence . (DL.genericReplicate n)
          byteWidth = fromIntegral $ (bitSize t) `div` 8

但这不会编译。显然,Haskell 坚持认为记录的所有值都是具体类型。至少,这就是我从错误消息中收集到的:

Could not deduce (a ~ Word32)
    from the context (Bits a, Ord a, Binary a)
        bound by a type expected by the context:
             (Bits a, Ord a, Binary a) => a
at ...
    `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
        a type expected by the context: (Bits a, Ord a, Binary a) => a




configure = defaultOpts -- and exporting that


let myOpts = configure{ binType = 42 :: Word16 }

但这不起作用,我不太明白为什么,除非它只是 NYI。

Record update for insufficiently polymorphic field: binType :: a
In the expression: configure {binType = words !! 0}
In an equation for `o': o = configure {binType = words !! 0}
In the expression:
  do { inTestHandle <- inTest;
       words <- testRandomWords;
       putBinaryValues inTestHandle $ take 100 words;
       seekBeg inTestHandle;
       .... }

那么,我的客户端代码是否只需将值从 defaultOpts 中复制出来,并在每次想要重新配置排序时创建一个新记录?


2 回答 2



问题是RankNTypes. 看Sortable,它是一个返回任意值的函数a,其中aOrd,Bits和的实例Bytes。换句话说,那里不仅有 3 个类的实例,还拥有所有实例。



foo :: a
foo = 1

如果你想要一些 vocab:a是普遍量化的,那么调用者选择实现。您想要的是存在量化,被调用者选择具体类型。



data SortOpts a = SortOpts { 
    maxFiles :: Int
    , maxMemory :: Integer
    , maxThreads :: Int
    , binType    :: a


 someFun :: (Bits a, Bytes a, Ord a) => SortOpts a -> whatever


 class (Ord a, Bytes a, Bits a) => Sortable a where
 instance (Ord a, Bytes a, Bits a) => Sortable a where



 data SortBox where
     Sort :: (Bits a, Bytes a, Ord a) => a -> SortBox

然后简单地通过拆箱并对其进行操作来创建BitsBytes和的实例。这让您可以将任何类型装箱,然后将其一般用作、或. 它在类型级别是透明的,但在值级别您必须将奇怪的东西装箱。OrdaSortBitsBytesOrd

data SortOpts a = SortOpts { 
    maxFiles :: Int
    , maxMemory :: Integer
    , maxThreads :: Int
    , binType    :: SortBox
于 2013-09-03T17:45:57.510 回答


{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put

data SortOpts = forall a. (Bits a, Binary a, Ord a) => SortOpts
    { maxFiles   :: Int
    , maxMemory  :: Integer
    , maxThreads :: Int
    , binType    :: a

defaultOpts = SortOpts
    { maxFiles = 128
    , maxMemory = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000
    , maxThreads = 4
    , binType = 0 :: Word32

但是,请注意,您不能将binType其用作函数,因为它具有类似的类型,exists a. SortOpts -> a并且您不能将存在类型用作返回值。但是,您可以通过模式匹配获取字段值,例如

test :: SortOpts -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Ordering
test (SortOpts{binType=binType}) bsa bsb = compare a b where
    a = runGet get bsa `asTypeOf` binType
    b = runGet get bsb `asTypeOf` binType


正如您所注意到的,Haskell 的记录更新语法不支持存在字段,因此您需要执行以下操作来更新binType

defaultOpts = SortOpts
    { maxFiles = 128
    , maxMemory = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000
    , maxThreads = 4
    , binType = 0 :: Word32

alternativeOpts = withBinType (0 :: Word16) $ defaultOpts
    { maxFiles = 256 }

withBinType :: (Bits a, Binary a, Ord a) => a -> SortOpts -> SortOpts
withBinType bt (SortOpts{..}) = SortOpts maxFiles maxMemory maxThreads bt


或者,正如 jozefg 建议的那样,您可以为binType. 你会像这样使用它:

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

data BinType = forall a. (Bits a, Binary a, Ord a) => BinType a

data SortOpts = SortOpts
    { maxFiles   :: Int
    , maxMemory  :: Integer
    , maxThreads :: Int
    , binType    :: BinType

defaultOpts = SortOpts
    { maxFiles = 128
    , maxMemory = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000
    , maxThreads = 4
    , binType = BinType (0 :: Word32)

alternativeOpts = defaultOpts
    { binType = BinType (0 :: Word16) }

由于SortOpts现在只是一种常规记录类型,因此您可以正常使用所有记录操作。要引用 unwrapped binType,您需要在包装器上进行模式匹配,以便test之前的示例变为 (using RecordWildCards)

test :: SortOpts -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Ordering
test (SortOpts{..}) bsa bsb = case binType of
    BinType bt -> compare a b where
        a = runGet get bsa `asTypeOf` bt
        b = runGet get bsb `asTypeOf` bt

请注意,以上所有内容都假设您有一个特定的用例,您需要能够出于某种原因将确切的类型参数隐藏在存在变量后面。通常,您只需保留类型参数SortOpts并将其限制在使用SortOpts. IE

data SortOpts a = SortOpts
    { maxFiles   :: Int
    , maxMemory  :: Integer
    , maxThreads :: Int
    , binType    :: a

test :: (Bits a, Binary a, Ord a) => SortOpts a -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Ordering
test (SortOpts{..}) bsa bsb = compare a b where
    a = runGet get bsa `asTypeOf` binType
    b = runGet get bsb `asTypeOf` binType


{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

type BinType a = (Bits a, Binary a, Ord a)

test :: BinType a => SortOpts a -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Ordering
于 2013-09-03T18:25:23.887 回答