我希望有人能帮帮忙。我正在尝试操作由 powershell 创建的文件。我设法得到了我想要的最终结果,但我相信如果它只有一个命令会更容易。
# Invoke the Exchange Snapping ( make sure you are Exchange Admin to do it SO)
add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
#Create a file with list of DL in the organization
Get-DistributionGroup | Select-Object Name | Out-File C:\Pre_DLGroups.txt
$content = Get-Content C:\Pre_DLGroups.txt
#Remove the 3 first lines of the file that you dont need it
$content | Select-Object -Skip 3 | Out-file C:\DLGroups.txt
#Trim the space in the end and crate the Final file
Get-Content C:\DLGroups.txt | Foreach {$_.TrimEnd()} | Set-Content c:\FinalDLGroup.txt
是那种使最终结果成为单个文件而不是创建 3 个文件的方法吗?干杯