The code below is a fragment of a macro I'm writing to alert users that they may not have a sufficient number of compatible installation equipment on an order. n shortfalls (i.e., each instance of an equipment item not having compatible installation equipment are saved in the yankees() array in elements 1 to n. What I want to do is prompt users with a message box stating "Please review your order to ensure you have you sufficient compatible installation equipment- we detected the following shortfalls"

and below that

include all each element of yankees(1 to n) on separate lines in a message box with two options below "This is okay, I'll submit my order now" and "Let me go back,I want to modify my order".

How can I create such a message box?

I have:

 MsgBox "Please review your order to ensure you have you sufficient compatible     installation equipment- we detected the following concerns" & yankee(1), vbOKCancel

currently but this only includes the first shortfall. How can I include all elements of yankee() and put them on their own line?

This question really boils down to: "How do I put all non-blank elements of an array variable onto their own lines in a message box prompt"?

If rip(qbert) < k(qbert) Then
yankee(jets) = "Your order for" & s(qbert) & " contains " & k(qbert) - rip(qbert) & " too     few " & g(qbert)
jets = jets + 1
qbert = qbert + 1
qbert = qbert + 1
End If
Loop Until qbert > echo

2 回答 2



Sub Test()
    Dim var As Variant

    'Populate a dummy vector array from a comma-separated list:
    var = Split("Alpha,Beta,Gamma,Delta,Epsilon", ",")

    'Display the contents of the array as delimited list, use the Carriage Return to delimit:
    MsgBox Join(var, vbCR)

End Sub





MsgBox = GetMessageText(yankees)


Function GetMessageText(var As Variant) As String
    'Assumes a vector array
    On Error GoTo EarlyExit

    Dim sMsg As String
    Dim v As Variant

    For Each v In var
        If Not v = vbNullString Then
            sMsg = sMsg & v & vbCr
        End If

    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        GetMessageText = sMsg
        GetMessageText = "invalid array"
    End If

End Function
于 2013-09-03T16:09:44.613 回答


Sub tgr()

    Dim yankee(1 To 5) As String
    Dim strMsg As String

    yankee(1) = "Did this"
    yankee(3) = "experiment"
    yankee(5) = "really work?"

    'yankee => ["Did this", , "experiment", , "really work?"] _
     the yankee array has two blanks at positions 2 and 4 _
     and it also has spaces in some of the element strings

    strMsg = Replace(Replace(WorksheetFunction.Trim(Replace(Replace(Join(yankee, "|"), " ", "_"), "|", " ")), " ", vbCrLf), "_", " ")

    'strMsg => "Did this _
                experiment _
                really work?"

    'Yes it did, see result
    MsgBox strMsg

End Sub
于 2013-09-03T16:53:51.997 回答