I am trying to pass a complex type to WebApi having this on my ApiController :

    public void DoSomeCrud(JObject data)
        ComplexModel item = data.ToObject<ComplexModel>();
        // Do some logic here

My issue is that one of the properties I have inside my ComplexModel is an Entity Framework entity. I don't have problems passing that entity if detached, however as soon as I get that entity from DbContext the model cannot be passed to WebApi as expected.

My question is.. : Is there anyway to detach my entity preserving my references to foreign keys ? Because I need those references on the WebApi side.



1 回答 1


使用实体框架中的模型作为 Web Api 的数据传输对象 (Dto) 并不是最佳实践,因为您可能会遇到序列化问题,因为来自 EF 的模型实际上是支持延迟加载和导航属性的代理(如果您不分离它) )。

最佳实践是,为了关注点分离,您应该定义自己的 Dto 对象,而不是直接从 EF 使用实体模型。


于 2013-09-03T15:55:16.220 回答