我有一个与 REST 服务通信的 Windows 应用商店应用程序 (C#/XAML)。在某些时候,我需要播放此服务提供的视频流。

如果我只是将流 URI 分配给MediaElement.Source属性,它不起作用,因为请求需要经过身份验证。我需要自定义控件发送的请求MediaElement以添加 cookie、凭据和其他一些自定义标头,但我找不到任何方法或属性来执行此操作。



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  • 手动发出 HTTP 请求(使用任何必需的凭据或标头)
  • 将响应流包装在自定义IRandomAccessStream中,该自定义通过向服务器发出另一个请求来实现Seek,使用Range标头指定我需要的流的哪一部分。


delegate Task<Stream> AsyncRangeDownloader(ulong start, ulong? end);

class StreamingRandomAccessStream : IRandomAccessStream
    private readonly AsyncRangeDownloader _downloader;
    private readonly ulong _size;

    public StreamingRandomAccessStream(Stream startStream, AsyncRangeDownloader downloader, ulong size)
        if (startStream != null)
            _stream = startStream.AsInputStream();
        _downloader = downloader;
        _size = size;

    private IInputStream _stream;
    private ulong _requestedPosition;

    public void Dispose()
        if (_stream != null)

    public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<IBuffer, uint> ReadAsync(IBuffer buffer, uint count, InputStreamOptions options)
        return AsyncInfo.Run<IBuffer, uint>(async (cancellationToken, progress) =>
            if (_stream == null)
                var netStream = await _downloader(_requestedPosition, null);
                _stream = netStream.AsInputStream();
            var result = await _stream.ReadAsync(buffer, count, options).AsTask(cancellationToken, progress);
            return result;

    public void Seek(ulong position)
        if (_stream != null)
        _requestedPosition = position;
        _stream = null;

    public bool CanRead { get { return true; } }
    public bool CanWrite { get { return false; } }
    public ulong Size { get { return _size; } set { throw new NotSupportedException(); } }

    public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<uint, uint> WriteAsync(IBuffer buffer) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
    public IAsyncOperation<bool> FlushAsync() { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
    public IInputStream GetInputStreamAt(ulong position) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
    public IOutputStream GetOutputStreamAt(ulong position) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
    public IRandomAccessStream CloneStream() { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
    public ulong Position { get { throw new NotSupportedException(); } }


private HttpClient _client;
private void InitClient()
    _client = new HttpClient();
    // Configure the client as needed with CookieContainer, Credentials, etc
    // ...

private async Task StartVideoStreamingAsync(Uri uri)
    var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, uri);
    // Add required headers
    // ...

    var response = await _client.SendAsync(request);
    ulong length = (ulong)response.Content.Headers.ContentLength;
    string mimeType = response.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType;
    Stream responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

    // Delegate that will fetch a stream for the specified range
    AsyncRangeDownloader downloader = async (start, end) =>
            var request2 = new HttpRequestMessage();
            request2.Headers.Range = new RangeHeaderValue((long?)start, (long?)end);
            // Add other required headers
            // ...
            var response2 = await _client.SendAsync(request2);
            return await response2.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

    var videoStream = new StreamingRandomAccessStream(responseStream, downloader, length);
    _mediaElement.SetSource(videoStream, mimeType);




于 2013-09-05T08:00:06.963 回答