我有两个有效的 powershell 脚本。您将调用 script1.ps1 :
.\script1.ps1 "sender-ip="
$abc = $args
$startInfo = $NULL
$process = $NULL
$standardOut = $NULL
<#Previously created password file in C:\Script\cred.txt, read-host -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file C:\Script\cred.txt#>
$password = get-content C:\Script\cred.txt | convertto-securestring
$startInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$startInfo.FileName = "powershell.exe"
$startInfo.Arguments = "C:\script\script2.ps1 " + $abc
$startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$startInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$startInfo.CreateNoWindow = $false
$startInfo.Username = "Username"
$startInfo.Domain = "DOMAIN"
$startInfo.Password = $password
$process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$process.StartInfo = $startInfo
$process.Start() | Out-Null
$standardOut = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
# $standardOut should contain the results of "C:\script\script1.ps1"
这是整个工作 script2.ps1
$line_array = @()
$multi_array = @()
[hashtable]$my_hash = @{}
$Sender_IP = $NULL
$Win32OS = $NULL
$Build = $NULL
$LastUser = $NULL
$UserSID = $NULL
$output = $NULL
foreach ($i in $args){
$line_array+= $i.split(" ")
foreach ($j in $line_array){
$multi_array += ,@($j.split("="))
foreach ($k in $multi_array){
$Sender_IP = $my_hash.Get_Item("sender-ip")
<#Gather information on the computer corresponding to $Sender_IP#>
$Win32OS = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $Sender_IP
<#Determine the build number#>
$Build = $Win32OS.BuildNumber
<#Running Windows Vista with SP1 and later, i.e. $Build is greater than or equal to 6001#>
if($Build -ge 6001){
$Win32User = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserProfile -ComputerName $Sender_IP
$Win32User = $Win32User | Sort-Object -Property LastUseTime -Descending
$LastUser = $Win32User | Select-Object -First 1
$UserSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($LastUser.SID)
$userId = $UserSID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
$userId = $userId.Value
<#Running Windows Vista without SP1 and earlier, i.e $Build is less than or equal to 6000#>
elseif ($Build -le 6000){
$SysDrv = $Win32OS.SystemDrive
$SysDrv = $SysDrv.Replace(":","$")
$ProfDrv = "\\" + $Sender_IP + "\" + $SysDrv
$ProfLoc = Join-Path -Path $ProfDrv -ChildPath "Documents and Settings"
$Profiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $ProfLoc
$LastProf = $Profiles | ForEach-Object -Process {$_.GetFiles("ntuser.dat.LOG")}
$LastProf = $LastProf | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$userId = $LastProf.DirectoryName.Replace("$ProfLoc","").Trim("\").ToUpper()
$userId = "Unknown/UserID"
if ($userId -ne $NULL){
$output = "userId=" + $userId
elseif ($userID -eq $NULL)
$userId = "Unknown/UserID"
$output = "userId=" + $userId
这是我的问题。在我们域中的大多数 IP 地址上,它返回:
Get-WmiObject:访问被拒绝。(来自 HRESULT 的异常:0x80070005(E_ACCESS DENIED))
我对此进行了研究, “get-wmiobject win32_process -computername”收到错误“拒绝访问,代码 0x80070005”建议授予提升的帐户权限以在整个域中运行 WMI。
但是说服负责域的团队向这个提升的帐户授予 WMI 权限将是一件很困难的事情。并且,该脚本能够返回域中某些 IP 地址的 UserId。