好的,所以我成功创建了我的第一个 codeigniter 项目并使用 Tank Auth 进行 CMS 身份验证。在我的 MAMP 安装上一切正常,并且一旦上传到我的主机仍然可以工作。
然后我在我的 mamp 安装中将文件复制到一个新项目并更改了一些配置设置(新数据库、基本 url 等)一切正常,一旦这个新项目上传到服务器,我就无法登录到 CMS。
关于尝试什么的任何想法,因为这真的很令人沮丧!几乎就好像 tank auth 库无法正常工作,因为没有错误。
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
| Website details
| These details are used in emails sent by authentication library.
$config['website_name'] = 'Project 2';
$config['webmaster_email'] = 'me@myemail.co.uk';
| Security settings
| The library uses PasswordHash library for operating with hashed passwords.
| 'phpass_hash_portable' = Can passwords be dumped and exported to another server. If set to FALSE then you won't be able to use this database on another server.
| 'phpass_hash_strength' = Password hash strength.
$config['phpass_hash_portable'] = FALSE;
$config['phpass_hash_strength'] = 8;
| Registration settings
| 'allow_registration' = Registration is enabled or not
| 'captcha_registration' = Registration uses CAPTCHA
| 'email_activation' = Requires user to activate their account using email after registration.
| 'email_activation_expire' = Time before users who don't activate their account getting deleted from database. Default is 48 hours (60*60*24*2).
| 'email_account_details' = Email with account details is sent after registration (only when 'email_activation' is FALSE).
| 'use_username' = Username is required or not.
| 'username_min_length' = Min length of user's username.
| 'username_max_length' = Max length of user's username.
| 'password_min_length' = Min length of user's password.
| 'password_max_length' = Max length of user's password.
$config['allow_registration'] = TRUE;
$config['captcha_registration'] = FALSE;
$config['email_activation'] = FALSE;
$config['email_activation_expire'] = 60*60*24*2;
$config['email_account_details'] = TRUE;
$config['use_username'] = TRUE;
$config['username_min_length'] = 4;
$config['username_max_length'] = 20;
$config['password_min_length'] = 4;
$config['password_max_length'] = 20;
| Login settings
| 'login_by_username' = Username can be used to login.
| 'login_by_email' = Email can be used to login.
| You have to set at least one of 2 settings above to TRUE.
| 'login_by_username' makes sense only when 'use_username' is TRUE.
| 'login_record_ip' = Save in database user IP address on user login.
| 'login_record_time' = Save in database current time on user login.
| 'login_count_attempts' = Count failed login attempts.
| 'login_max_attempts' = Number of failed login attempts before CAPTCHA will be shown.
| 'login_attempt_expire' = Time to live for every attempt to login. Default is 24 hours (60*60*24).
$config['login_by_username'] = TRUE;
$config['login_by_email'] = TRUE;
$config['login_record_ip'] = TRUE;
$config['login_record_time'] = TRUE;
$config['login_count_attempts'] = FALSE;
$config['login_max_attempts'] = 5;
$config['login_attempt_expire'] = 60*60*24;
| Auto login settings
| 'autologin_cookie_name' = Auto login cookie name.
| 'autologin_cookie_life' = Auto login cookie life before expired. Default is 2 months (60*60*24*31*2).
$config['autologin_cookie_name'] = 'autologin';
$config['autologin_cookie_life'] = 60*60*24*31*2;
| Forgot password settings
| 'forgot_password_expire' = Time before forgot password key become invalid. Default is 15 minutes (60*15).
$config['forgot_password_expire'] = 60*15;
| Captcha
| You can set captcha that created by Auth library in here.
| 'captcha_path' = Directory where the catpcha will be created.
| 'captcha_fonts_path' = Font in this directory will be used when creating captcha.
| 'captcha_font_size' = Font size when writing text to captcha. Leave blank for random font size.
| 'captcha_grid' = Show grid in created captcha.
| 'captcha_expire' = Life time of created captcha before expired, default is 3 minutes (180 seconds).
| 'captcha_case_sensitive' = Captcha case sensitive or not.
$config['captcha_path'] = 'captcha/';
$config['captcha_fonts_path'] = 'captcha/fonts/5.ttf';
$config['captcha_width'] = 200;
$config['captcha_height'] = 50;
$config['captcha_font_size'] = 14;
$config['captcha_grid'] = FALSE;
$config['captcha_expire'] = 180;
$config['captcha_case_sensitive'] = TRUE;
| 'use_recaptcha' = Use reCAPTCHA instead of common captcha
| You can get reCAPTCHA keys by registering at http://recaptcha.net
$config['use_recaptcha'] = FALSE;
$config['recaptcha_public_key'] = '';
$config['recaptcha_private_key'] = '';
| Database settings
| 'db_table_prefix' = Table prefix that will be prepended to every table name used by the library
| (except 'ci_sessions' table).
$config['db_table_prefix'] = '';
/* End of file tank_auth.php */
/* Location: ./application/config/tank_auth.php */
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