$Servers = Get-QADComputer -sizelimit 0 | where {$_.Name -like "*MYSERVER*"} | select Name | sort name
# Best practice: avoid magic numbers; readonly variable for
new-variable -name CPULIMIT -value 75 -option readonly
foreach($Server in $Servers){
$result = Get-WmiObject win32_processor -ComputerName $Server.Name
# TODO: add error handler here in case $server is unavailable
# Compare the wmi query result to the limit constant
if($result.LoadPercentage -le $CPULIMIT){
# Write a formatted string that contains the server name and current load
Write-Host $("Less than 75% Processor Load on {0} ({1}%)" -f $server.name, $result.LoadPercentage) -ForegroundColor "Green"
} else {
# A warning message would be usefull too
Write-Host $("More than 75% Processor Load on {0} ({1}%)" -f $server.name, $result.LoadPercentage) -ForegroundColor "Red"
Less than 75% CPU Load on MYSERVER1 (%)
Less than 75% CPU Load on MYSERVER2 (%)
Less than 75% CPU Load on MYSERVER3 (%)
Less than 75% CPU Load on MYSERVER4 (%)
如您所见,现在显示了全部 (%)。