

我什至安装了 wampserver。

给我一些想法,如何连接 mysql 数据库 wampserver 和我的登录页面。

是否可以在工具内使用 wampserver 中给出的数据库选项?



1 回答 1


可以在 Phpmyadmin 的 wampserver 中创建数据库,也可以创建表。


//connection to the database
$dbhandle = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password)
 or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");
echo "Connected to MySQL<br>";

//select a database to work with
$selected = mysql_select_db("database1",$dbhandle) // "database1" is the database name
 or die("Could not select database1");

//execute the SQL query and return records .. insert ur login info also
$result = mysql_query("SELECT uid  FROM login"); // "login" is table
if(mysql_num_rows($result) != 0){
$result1 = INSERT INTO login (id, name, password) VALUES
('".$_POST['id']."','".$_POST['name']."','".$_POST['password']."'); // The values which
                                                        //you entered in the login form

} else {
 echo "This login name already exists";
This is the simple way to connect the database and insert the data into tables. But 
dont forget to create database and tables in phpmyadmin before inserting the data
于 2013-09-04T11:37:47.653 回答