我用 8 个“楼层”、20 个“房间”创建了下面的二维数组,并用对象填充它们。我目前正在尝试使用嵌套的 for 循环来遍历每个 Room 对象并为其分配一个房间号。例如,第 1 层将包含房间 101-120。
public class Test {
public Test() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Creates a two dimensional array with 8 rows and 20 columns
Room [][] hotelBuild = new Room[8][20];
* populates the 2d array with Room objects
for (int floor=0; floor<hotelBuild.length; floor++) {
for (int room=0; room<hotelBuild[floor].length; room++) {
hotelBuild[floor][room] = new Room();
* used to print out contents of 2d array
//System.out.print(hotelBuild[floor][room]=new Room());
包含变量、setter、getter 以及toString()
public class Room {
//Instance variables
*the rooms number
private int roomNumber;
/** is the room occupied or not
private boolean isOccupied;
/** name of guest
private String guest;
/** cost per day
private double costPerDay;
/** number of days guest is staying
int days;
public Room(){
/** Construct a room with values above
public Room(int room, boolean nonVacant, String guestName, double cost, int day) {
roomNumber = room;
isOccupied = nonVacant;
guest = guestName;
costPerDay = cost;
days = day;
// getters
/** gets roomNumber
public int getRoomNumber(){
return roomNumber;
/** gets isOccupied
public boolean getIsOccupied(){
return isOccupied;
/** gets guest
public String getGuest(){
return guest;
/** gets costPerDay
public double getCostPerDay(){
return costPerDay;
/** gets days
public int getDays(){
return days;
// setters
/** sets isOccupied
public void setIsOccupied(boolean full){
this.isOccupied = full;
/** sets days
public void setDays(int numDays){
this.days = numDays;
/** sets guest name
public void setGuest(String name){
this.guest = name;
/** formats output depending if room is occupied or not
public String toString(){
if(isOccupied == true){
return "Room number: " + roomNumber + "\n"+ "Guest name: "
+ guest + "\n"+ "Cost : " + costPerDay
+ "\n"+ "Days: " + days + "\n";
return "Room number " + roomNumber
+ " costs " + costPerDay + "\n";