I read somewhere that webpages should appear (mostly) intact even with Javascript disabled. In my page, I utilize Javascript to dynamically add a table to my page upon load. I was wondering whether there was any way to display a blank table aside from obnoxious


placeholder chains such as the above or otherwise hard-coding the default table values into the HTML.


1 回答 1


the <noscript> tag runs when javascript was disabled or not there.

<noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript>

there you can include the table. css can do that job too. set it as hidden by default but if no script, re-write css by setting it to display again, make sure this is below the css responsible for hiding it

here is a link for the non-script tag


also you shouldn't worry that much im saying because less than 2% of users are actually browsing with javascript off, and most of those are robots crawling


于 2013-09-02T23:49:44.377 回答