
// Code in some object that will do work for an application:  

- (BOOL)shouldBeRunning  
  [lockRunning lock];  
  BOOL shouldBeRunning= shouldRun;  
  [lockRunning unlock];  

  return shouldBeRunning;  

- (void)stopRunning  
  [lockRunning lock];  
  shouldRun= FALSE;  
  [lockRunning unlock];  

- (void)threadEntryPoint:(id)object  
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];  

  NSRunLoop *runLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];  

  // From an example I saw awhile back:  
  // A runloop with no sources returns immediately from runMode:beforeDate:  
  // That will wake up the loop and chew CPU. Add a dummy source to prevent it.  
  NSMachPort *dummyPort = [[NSMachPort alloc] init];  
  [runLoop addPort:dummyPort forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];  
  [dummyPort release];  
  [pool release];  

  while ([self shouldBeRunning])   
    NSAutoreleasePool *loopPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];  
    [runLoop runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];  
    [loopPool drain];  

- (BOOL)startRunning:(NSError **)errorPtr  
  [self stopRunning];  // Stop if we are already running.  

  [runWorker release];  
  runWorker= [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(threadEntryPoint:) object:nil];  

    return (FALSE);  

  // Start up the thread.  
  shouldRun= TRUE;  

  [runWorker start];  

  return TRUE;  

- (void)doLotsOfStuff  
  // Some operation that is long and intensive  
  // that should be done in the background.  
  // This function will call the app delegate, which will display the  
  // results. It will also notify the app on completion.  

- (void)doStuff
  // Commented out for illustrative purposes.  
  //[self startRunning];  // Fire thread up.  

  [self performSelector:@selector(doLotsOfStuff) onThread:runWorker withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];  

// Out in the delegate:  
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)aNotification  
  // Do setup....  
  [workObject startRunning];  // Start the worker thread in the worker object.  

- (void)buttonHandler:(id)sender  
  [workObject doStuff];  



如果我取消注释 doStuff 中重新创建线程的行(使 applicationDidFinishLaunching 中的那行变得多余),那么它当然每次都能完美运行。




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