好的,所以我正在阅读有关将 Perforce 用户与 Windows Server 用户集成的内容。
- 我还需要在 Perforce 服务器中创建用户/组吗?
因为据我了解,触发器仅用于身份验证,但无法在 Perforce 和 Active Directory 内部的用户之间共享用户数据库。
好的,所以我正在阅读有关将 Perforce 用户与 Windows Server 用户集成的内容。
因为据我了解,触发器仅用于身份验证,但无法在 Perforce 和 Active Directory 内部的用户之间共享用户数据库。
简短的回答是肯定的。但是,一旦 AD 集成启动并运行,您就不需要为它们创建密码。您可以使用 perl 脚本通过命令行批量添加它们,类似于:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $InFile;
my $UserID;
my $FullName;
my $Email;
my $CreatedCount = 0;
my $AlreadyExistsCount = 0;
my $FailedCount = 0;
my $Cmd;
my $Out;
my $TmpFile="add_users.user.txt";
my $NoOp = 0;
if (($#ARGV == -1) or ($ARGV[0] =~ /^(-h|-\?|\/h|\/\?)$/i))
print "\nUsage:\n\n\tadd_users.pl VCS_Users_CSV.txt\n\n";
print "The user list file must contain one-line entries looking like this sample:\n";
print "\ta200991,Tom Tyler,p4.ttyler\@gmail.com\n\n";
print "The Perforce environment values for P4PORT and P4USER must be\n";
print "defined, and the user provided must be a Perforce super users.\n";
exit 1;
} else {
die "ERROR: Input file [$InFile] is not readable.\n"
unless (-r $InFile);
$Cmd = "p4 -s info";
$Out = `$Cmd 2>&1`;
if ($Out =~ /info: User name/i) {
print "\nPerforce server info:\n$Out\n";
} else {
die "\nERROR: Could not do a 'p4 info'. Perforce environment is not set.\n";
$Cmd = "p4 -s protect -o";
$Out = `$Cmd 2>&1`;
if ($Out =~ /info: Protections:/) {
print "\nPerforce super user status is verified.\n";
} else {
die "\nERROR: The current Perforce user is not a super user, and must be. Aborting.\n";
open (INFILE, "<$InFile") or
die "\nERROR: Failed to open input file [$InFile]: $!\n";
while (<INFILE>) {
next unless (/.+,.+,.+$/);
$UserID = $_;
$UserID =~ s/,.*$//g;
$FullName = $_;
$FullName =~ s/^.*?,//;
$FullName =~ s/,.*$//g;
$Email = $_;
$Email =~ s/^.*,//;
unless ($Email =~ /\@/) {
print "Error: Invalid email addresss [$Email] for user [$UserID]. Skipping.\n";
$Cmd = "p4 -s user -o $UserID";
$Out = `$Cmd 2>&1`;
if ($Out =~ /info: Access:/)
print "User [$UserID] already exists. Skipping.\n";
} else {
print "Creating account [$UserID] for [$FullName] ($Email).\n";
open (USERFILE, ">$TmpFile") or die "\nERROR: Failed to open temp file [$TmpFile]: $!\n";
print USERFILE "User:\t$UserID\n\nEmail:\t$Email\n\nFullName:\t$FullName\n\n";
close (USERFILE);
$Cmd = "p4 -s user -f -i < $TmpFile";
if ($NoOp == 0) {
$Out = `$Cmd 2>&1`;
} else {
print "NO-OP: Would run $Cmd\n";
# Spoof successful user creation
$Out = "info: User $UserID saved [NO-OP - user creation spoofed].\n";
if ($Out =~ /info: User .* saved./) {
print $Out;
} else {
print $Out;
print "\nError: Failed to create user [$UserID]. Skipping.\n";
close (INFILE);
print "\nDone.\n\nSummary: $CreatedCount users created, $AlreadyExistsCount already existed, $FailedCount failed.\n\n";
用户 ID、名字姓氏、email@emailaddress.com
一旦完成,只需从 CMD 运行几行代码:
C:\Users\a200991> SET P4USER=a200991
C:\Users\a200991> SET P4PORT=pmperforce01p:1666
C:\Users\a200991> add_users.pl VCS_Users_CSV.txt > add_users.log 2>&1
C:\Users\a200991> notepad add_users.log