Im trying to build flash player from sources. It written with Flex + MX + Spark. On my Kubuntu 13.04 I:
- install Eclipse from (one for building Java + DSL).
- add FB4Linux to eclipse
- append Flex SDK 4.5.1A to Flex SDKs list in eclipse
- create new Flex Project in eclipse
- copy
folder from zip with sources to project folder in workspace - refresh project in eclipse
- fix some errors - fix some
file includes in code (filename mismatch that summon errors on case-sensitive filesystems):
was included
On 1-3 I tried some variants like using eclipse
from repository, sudo aptitide install eclipse eclipse-jdt eclipse-...
and running eclipse under wine, but all this tryings was ineffective. This list is final (worked) variant.
And now I have 19 errors about Spark. All like this (russian):
Стиль "borderAlpha" поддерживается только типом "mx.containers.VBox" с темой (темами) "spark".
Which is:
Style "borderAlpha" is supported only with type "mx.containers" with theme(s) "spark".
In project properties window I have radiobuttons:
- MX + Spark
- Only Spark
- Only MX
Some like described here. I want to set 1st option, but after clicking OK
and reopening this project properties window 3rd option always selected. I tried to google compiler (mxmlc?) options that used by FB to identify components list, but unable to found at mentioned above link or on another sites information above this bug.
I am newbie in linux and re-installed some distros few times last 2 months, and on some of them I successfully compile this sources (but they didn't work on site). Today I wanted to deal with this, but I kill my day with this.