Im trying to build flash player from sources. It written with Flex + MX + Spark. On my Kubuntu 13.04 I:

  1. install Eclipse from eclipse.org/downloads (one for building Java + DSL).
  2. add FB4Linux to eclipse
  3. append Flex SDK 4.5.1A to Flex SDKs list in eclipse
  4. create new Flex Project in eclipse
  5. copy src folder from zip with sources to project folder in workspace
  6. refresh project in eclipse
  7. fix some errors - fix some .as file includes in code (filename mismatch that summon errors on case-sensitive filesystems): file FooBar.as was included as Foobar.as

On 1-3 I tried some variants like using eclipse from repository, sudo aptitide install eclipse eclipse-jdt eclipse-... and running eclipse under wine, but all this tryings was ineffective. This list is final (worked) variant.

And now I have 19 errors about Spark. All like this (russian):

Стиль "borderAlpha" поддерживается только типом "mx.containers.VBox" с темой (темами) "spark".

Which is:

Style "borderAlpha" is supported only with type "mx.containers" with theme(s) "spark".

In project properties window I have radiobuttons:

  • MX + Spark
  • Only Spark
  • Only MX

Some like described here. I want to set 1st option, but after clicking OK and reopening this project properties window 3rd option always selected. I tried to google compiler (mxmlc?) options that used by FB to identify components list, but unable to found at mentioned above link or on another sites information above this bug.

I am newbie in linux and re-installed some distros few times last 2 months, and on some of them I successfully compile this sources (but they didn't work on site). Today I wanted to deal with this, but I kill my day with this.


1 回答 1


无法理解为什么它有帮助,但我重复步骤 4-7 - 在新项目中一切正常。我创建了新项目test,将选项更改为MX + Spark,然后它会重置。然后我src从第一个项目中移动文件夹 - 选项仍然没有重置。

于 2013-09-04T04:13:38.197 回答