I know that AngularJS is framework for HTML.

XUL(XML user interface language) and HTML have the same underlying processing (can use JavaScript and CSS)

Can AngularJS can intergrate with XUL?


1 回答 1


由于 XUL 是 XML,AngularJS 语法需要是 XML 兼容的版本:

  • id="ng-app"ng-app属性一起添加到根元素

    <!doctype html>
    <html xmlns:ng="urn:ng" id="ng-app" ng:app="optionalModuleName">
      <div my-directive="exp"></div>
  • 使用自定义元素标签,例如<ng:view>

  • 要使 CSS 选择器与自定义元素一起使用,无论 XML 命名空间如何,都必须使用 document.createElement('my-tag') 预先创建自定义元素名称。

    <html xmlns:ng="urn:ng">
    <!-- Needed for ng namespace -->
    <!--[if lte IE 8]>
    // needed to make ng-include parse properly
    // needed to enable CSS reference
    ng\:view {
    display: block;
    border: 1px solid red;
    ng\:include {
    display: block;
    border: 1px solid blue;

编译器现在透明地支持几种指令语法。例如,之前只有一种使用 ng:include 指令的方法:。新编译器将以下所有内容视为等效:

<ng:include src="someSrc"></ng:include> <!-- XHTML element-->
<div ng:include src="someSrc"></div><!-- XHTML attribute-->
<div ng:include="someSrc"></div><!-- XHTML attribute shorthand -->

<div data-ng-include src="someSrc"></div><!-- data attribute-->
<div data-ng-include="someSrc"></div><!-- data attribute shorthand-->

<ng-include src="someSrc"></ng-include> <!-- Expando Element -->
<div ng-include src="someSrc"></div><!-- Expando Attribute-->
<div ng-include="someSrc"></div><!-- Expando attribute shorthand-->

<x-ng-include src="someSrc"></x-ng-include> <!-- Mozilla X-Tag -->

<div class="ng-include: someSrc"></div><!-- Class property-->

这将为模板创建者提供极大的灵活性,以考虑 html 代码有效性和代码简洁性之间的权衡,并选择最适合他们的语法。


于 2014-04-01T23:00:04.667 回答