我正在尝试使用 NSLinguisticTagger 来隔离句子中的动词,但遇到了一个问题,即输出不同,具体取决于代码是在 iOS 程序还是在 MacOS 程序中运行。
NSString* text = @"The person is a 50 year old gentleman with a book who presents us with a conundrum.";
NSLinguisticTaggerOptions options = NSLinguisticTaggerOmitWhitespace | NSLinguisticTaggerOmitPunctuation | NSLinguisticTaggerJoinNames;
NSLinguisticTagger* tagger = [[NSLinguisticTagger alloc] initWithTagSchemes:@[NSLinguisticTagSchemeNameTypeOrLexicalClass]
tagger.string = text;
[tagger enumerateTagsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [tagger.string length])
usingBlock:^(NSString *tag, NSRange tokenRange, NSRange sentenceRange, BOOL *stop) {
NSString *token = [text substringWithRange:tokenRange];
NSLog(@"%@: %@", token, tag);
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: The: Determiner
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: person: Noun
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: is: Verb
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: a: Determiner
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: 50: Number
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: year: Noun
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: old: Adjective
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: gentleman: Noun
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: with: Preposition
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: a: Determiner
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: book: Noun
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: who: Pronoun
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: presents: Verb
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: us: Pronoun
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: with: Preposition
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: a: Determiner
[ AppDelegate (0x101b0bcb0)]: conundrum: Noun
但是, iOS程序中相同的代码块会导致以下输出(“presents”被错误地识别为名词):
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: The: Determiner
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: person: Noun
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: is: Verb
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: a: Determiner
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: 50: Number
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: year: Noun
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: old: Adjective
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: gentleman: Noun
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: with: Preposition
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: a: Determiner
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: book: Noun
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: who: Pronoun
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: presents: Noun
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: us: Pronoun
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: with: Preposition
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: a: Determiner
[ AppDelegate (0x8d2f000)]: conundrum: Noun
有谁知道我为什么会得到不同的输出,以及如何正确地让 iOS 程序将礼物识别为动词?