我正在开发一个 wordpress 网站:
- it's hosted on a VMWARE Linux Virtual Server with 2 core and 4GB RAM.
- it's the only website (development server) so no others website access.
- has Apache Module mod_deflate on text, html, javascript, css, xml
- it runs a lot of javascript stuff and the total size of the page is about 1,6 MB
- average cpu load is very low (0% to 5%)
- the server has 1GB RAM Free
- my ISP verified SAN access statistics and latency times are very low (some ms)
这是 Pingdom 网站速度测试的加载时间测试: http ://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/dMWeVi/http://www.watcheswholesale.eu/
它显示3,9 秒的等待时间。