好的,我终于设法将我的 Tcl 代码转换为 PHP!我也改变了一些东西:
// Function generating order participants will be placed in array
function getBracket($L) {
// List will hold insert sequence
$list = array();
// Bracket will hold final order of participants
$bracket = array();
// The algorithm to generate the insert sequence
for ($n = 1; $n <= $L; $n += 1) {
// If 'perfect' number, just put it (Perfect no.s: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc)
if (substr(log($n)/log(2), -2) == ".0") {
$list[] = $n;
// If odd number, stuff...
} elseif ($n % 2 == 1) {
$list[] = $list[($n-1)/2];
// Else even number, stuff...
} else {
$list[] = $list[$n/2-1]+$n/2;
// Insert participant order as per insert sequence
for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list); $i += 1) {
$id = $i-1;
array_splice($bracket, $list[$id], 0, $i);
return $bracket;
// Find number of participants over 'perfect' number if any
function cleanList($L) {
for ($d = 1; $L > $d; $d += 1) {
$sq = $L-pow(2,$d);
if($sq == 0) {break;}
if($sq < 0) {
$d = pow(2,$d-1);
$diff = $L-$d;
return $diff;
$participants = array(
array(0, "John", 2),
array(1, "Gagan", 1),
array(2, "Mike Tyson", 1),
array(3, "Gair", 1),
array(4, "Gale", 0),
array(5, "Roy Johnes", 0),
array(6, "Galip", 0),
array(7, "Gallagher", 0),
array(8, "Garett", 0),
array(9, "Nikolai Valuev", 0),
array(10, "Garner", 1),
array(11, "Gary", 0),
array(12, "Gelar", 0),
array(13, "Gershom", 1),
array(14, "Gilby", 0),
array(15, "Gilford", 1),
array(16, "Arianna", 0)
// Extract strength of participant
foreach ($participants as $array) {
$finorder[] = $array[2];
// Sort by strength, strongest first
$order = array();
$outside = array();
// Remove participants above 'perfect' number
$remove = cleanList(sizeof($participants));
for ($r = 1; $r <= $remove; $r += 1) {
$removed = array_shift($participants);
$outside[] = $removed;
// Get corresponding bracket
$res = getBracket(sizeof($participants));
foreach ($res as $n) {
$order[] = $n;
// Align bracket results with participant list
array_multisort($order, $participants);
$participants = array_combine($res, $participants);
echo "The final arrangement of participants\n";
另外,由于我对 PHP 不太熟悉,可能有一些方法可以缩短一些东西,但是哦,好吧,只要它有效 ^^
EDIT3:我认为“额外”参与者应该超出括号。如果您想在括号中使用 null,则可以使用它。
// Function generating order participants will be placed in array
function getBracket($L) {
// List will hold insert sequence
$list = array();
// Bracket will hold final order of participants
$bracket = array();
// The algorithm to generate the insert sequence
for ($n = 1; $n <= $L; $n += 1) {
// If 'perfect' number, just put it (Perfect no.s: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc)
if (int(log($n)/log(2)) || $n == 1) {
$list[] = $n;
// If odd number, stuff...
} elseif ($n % 2 == 1) {
$list[] = $list[($n-1)/2];
// Else even number, stuff...
} else {
$list[] = $list[$n/2-1]+$n/2;
// Insert participant order as per insert sequence
for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list); $i += 1) {
$id = $list[$i-1]-1;
array_splice($bracket, $id, 0, $i);
return $bracket;
// Find number of participants over 'perfect' number if any
function cleanList($L) {
for ($d = 1; $L > $d; $d += 1) {
$diff = $L-pow(2,$d);
if($diff == 0) {break;}
if($diff < 0) {
$diff = pow(2,$d)-$L;
return $diff;
$participants = array(
array("John", 2),
array("Gagan", 1),
array("Mike Tyson", 1),
array("Gair", 1),
array("Gale", 0),
array("Roy Johnes", 0),
array("Galip", 0),
array("Gallagher", 0),
array("Garett", 0),
array("Nikolai Valuev", 0),
array("Garner", 1),
// Extract strength of participant
foreach ($participants as $array) {
$finorder[] = $array[2];
// Sort by strength, strongest first
$order = array();
// Add participants until 'perfect' number
$add = cleanList(sizeof($participants));
for ($r = 1; $r <= $add; $r += 1) {
$participants[] = null;
// Get corresponding bracket
$res = getBracket(sizeof($participants));
// Align bracket results with participant list
foreach ($res as $n) {
$order[] = $n;
array_multisort($order, $participants);
$participants = array_combine($res, $participants);
echo "The final arrangement of participants\n";