I installed Uploadify UI on my site so I can allow user to upload files to my site. It is working now but the problem is that it uploads files sometimes and sometimes it does not. So I can upload an png file and it will work no problems. but when I upload excel file it will allow some to be uploaded and some it work allow it.

I am not sure what can I check to see what is causing the issue.

I have tried to turn the debuger on 'debug' : true but that did not give me any clues. I also looked at my php logs and there was no error/warnings there.

I am not sure what else I can check but I will apreshiate any type of help with this.

Here is my javascript code to set it up

<?php $timestamp = time();?>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
                'formData'     : {
                'timestamp' : '<?php echo $timestamp;?>',
                'token'     : '<?php echo md5($timestamp);?>',
                'upload_path': 'ticketing_center/',
                'allowed_extentions': 'jpg,jpeg,gif,PNG,JPG,png,JPEG, jpeg,zip,rar,doc,docx,cvs,xls,xlsx,txt'
            'auto' : true,
            'debug' : true,
            'swf'      : '../../includes/uploadify.swf',
            'uploader' : '../../includes/uploadify.php',
            'fileSizeLimit' : '50MB',
            'fileTypeExts' : '*.gif; *.jpg; *.JPG; *.png; *.PNG; *.JPEG; *.jpeg; *.zip; *.rar; *.doc; *.docx; *.cvs; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.txt;',
            'onUploadSuccess' : function(file, data, response) {
                if(data != 'INVALID'){
                    $('#attached_files').append('<input type="hidden" name="attachments[]" value="'+ $.trim(data) +'" />');
                } else {
                    alert('Invalid File Type');


the following is my PHP script

    $targetFolder = '';
    $verifyToken = '100';
    $actualToken = '';
    $fileTypes = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png');

        $targetFolder = $_POST['upload_path'];

        $verifyToken = md5($_POST['timestamp']);

    $actualToken = $_POST['token'];


        $types = explode(',', $_POST['allowed_extentions']);

        if(count($types) > 0 ){
            $fileTypes = $types;

    if (!empty($_FILES) && $actualToken == $verifyToken) {
        $tempFile = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'];
        $targetPath =  ROOT_FIXED . UPLOAD_DIR . $targetFolder;   //$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
        $targetPath = str_replace( "//", "/", $targetPath);
        $new_filename = USER_ID . '_' . time() . '_' . str_replace(" ", "_", $_FILES['Filedata']['name']);
        $targetFile = $targetPath . $new_filename;

        // Validate the file type
        //$fileTypes = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png'); // File extensions
        $fileParts = pathinfo($new_filename);  //str_replace(" ", "_", $_FILES['Filedata']['name'])

        if (in_array($fileParts['extension'],$fileTypes)) {
            echo trim($new_filename);
        } else {
            echo 'INVALID';

Thanks for your time and help


1 回答 1



我的 php.ini 文件中的配置设置为下限。最大上传文件设置为 2M

转到 php.ini 并找到

  • upload_max_filesize - 设置为 50M

  • post_max_size - 设置为 50M

  • max_execution_time - 设置为 120

  • max_input_time - 设置为 50

重新启动我们的 apache,现在您应该可以上传最大 50MB 的文件了

于 2013-09-01T17:21:59.730 回答