今天我打算将我的游戏打包到一个 Jar 中,以提供给一位编写代码并希望看到我设法创建的漂亮故障的朋友。当我让它成为一个可运行的 jar 时,它会在命令提示符中加载,但会为声音(.ogg)抛出 Resource Not Found 错误,这很好,因为它们不会在它设置的调试模式下使用。然后它在 initTileMap() 第 137 行的 TileHanlder.class 中抛出 NullPointerException。

我很茫然,所以我来到了 StackOverflow,因为我几乎花了一整天的时间来获得一个可以工作的 Jar。我也尝试过 JarSplice。

我的主要问题是您是否注意到任何异常情况或我没有做的事情导致在 .jar 中找不到资源。

所有代码和资源都在同一个 JAR 中,一个 JAR 处理所有内容,没有多个 jars



public class Level extends BasicGameState {

public MapHandler map = new MapHandler();
public AssetHandler asset = new AssetHandler();
static OutputHandler out = new OutputHandler();

public GameContainer container;
public StateBasedGame game;

public static float MouseX = 0;
public static float MouseY = 0;
public float RectX = 0;
public float RectY = 0;
public int tileAmount = 0;
public static int mapID = 1;
public static int delta;
public static int score = 0;
private static int EntityAmount = 0;
private static int ActiveEntityAmount = 0;

private int FPS = 0;

public static Image mapImage;
public static TileHandler Tile = new TileHandler();
public Point mousePoint;
public Circle mouseCirc;

public static Player p;
public static Enemy Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde;

public Level(int id) {

public void init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game) throws SlickException {
    mapID = MapHandler.getMapID();
    try {
    } catch (AssetException e) {
    this.container = container;
    this.game = game;
    AGGRESSIVE = new RedAI();
    AMBUSH = new PinkAI();
    HIT_RUN = new BlueAI();
    SORTOFRANDOM = new OrangeAI();
    p = new Player("Player1");
    Blinky = new Enemy("Shadow", AGGRESSIVE);
    Pinky = new Enemy("Speedy", AMBUSH);
    Inky = new Enemy("Bashful", HIT_RUN);
    Clyde = new Enemy("Pokey", SORTOFRANDOM);

public void render(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, Graphics g) throws SlickException {
    Tile.drawTileMap(TileHandler.tileLayer, TileHandler.tMapTiles, g);
    if (Reference.debug) {
        displayTileBounds(TileHandler.tileLayer, g);

public void update(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, int delta) throws SlickException {
    Input in = container.getInput();
    MouseX = in.getMouseX();
    MouseY = in.getMouseY();
    RectX = MapHandler.Map32.getX();
    RectY = MapHandler.Map32.getY();
    EntityAmount = Entity.entityList.size();
    ActiveEntityAmount = Enemy.enemyList.size() + Projectile.activeProjectiles.size() + 1;
    Level.delta = delta;
    Reference.defProjectileVelocity = .13f * Level.delta;
    FPS = container.getFPS();

public int getID() {
    return 2;

/** @deprecated **/
protected void drawMap(Graphics g) {
    g.drawImage(mapImage, Reference.MAP_X, Reference.MAP_Y);

protected void drawStrings(Graphics g) {
    if (Reference.debug) {
        OutputHandler.write("FPS: " + Integer.toString(FPS), 11, 10);
        OutputHandler.write(String.format("Mouse X: %s, Mouse Y: %s", MouseX, MouseY), 11, 30);
        OutputHandler.write(String.format("Rect X: %s, Y: %s", RectX, RectY), 11, 50);
        OutputHandler.write("Amount of Tiles: " + (TileHandler.tileLayer.length * TileHandler.tileLayer[0].length), 11, 70);
        OutputHandler.write(String.format("Amount of Entities = %s", Integer.toString(EntityAmount)), 11, 90);
        OutputHandler.write(String.format("Active Entities = %s", Integer.toString(ActiveEntityAmount)), 11, 110);
        out.write("Currently Loaded: " + p.isReloaded(), 11, 130);
        OutputHandler.write("Amount of Entities is Accumulative", 11, 666);
    } else {
        String curTime = Reference.getTime();
        String scoreStr = Reference.convertScore(score);
        OutputHandler.write("Time: " + curTime, 11, 10);
        OutputHandler.write("Score: " + scoreStr, 550, 10);

protected void displayTileBounds(Rectangle[][] tileLayer, Graphics g) {
    for (int x = 0; x < tileLayer.length; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < tileLayer[0].length; y++) {
    for (int s = 0; s < TileHandler.collisionTiles.size(); s++) {
        Rectangle r = TileHandler.collisionTiles.get(s);
    for (int z = 0; z < Entity.teleportingTiles.length; z++) {
        Rectangle r = Entity.teleportingTiles[z];

protected void drawEntities() {
    ArrayList<Entity> list = Entity.entityList;
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

protected void updateNonPlayerEntities() {
    ArrayList<Enemy> list = Enemy.enemyList;
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    ArrayList<Projectile> pList = Projectile.activeProjectiles;
    for (int p = 0; p < pList.size(); p++) {


AssetHandler (Game-Handlers-AssetHandler.java) 声音是倒数第三个方法

public class AssetHandler {

public static boolean isComplete = false;

private static String musPath = "res/Sounds/";
static TileHandler tile;

private static int tsize = 32;

private static String spritesPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/sprites.png";
private static String terrainPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/terrain.png";
private static String twPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/tankToWest.png";
private static String tePath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/tankToEast.png";
private static String tnPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/tankToNorth.png";
private static String tsPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/tankToSouth.png";
private static String bwPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/blueToWest.png";
private static String bePath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/blueToEast.png";
private static String bnPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/blueToNorth.png";
private static String bsPath = "res/GameSprites/Maze Game/animation/blueToSouth.png";

private static String rePath, rwPath, rsPath, rnPath;
private static String pePath, pwPath, psPath, pnPath;
private static String oePath, owPath, osPath, onPath;

public static Music titleMus1, titleMus2, titleMus3, loadingScreenMus1, loadingScreenMus2, loadingScreenMus3;

public static Sound tankMove, tankFire, tankExplode, tankSurrender, tankRetreat;

public static void initSounds() {
    System.out.println("Initializing Main Menu Music...");
    try {
        titleMus1 = new Music(musPath + "title/titlefirst.ogg");
        titleMus2 = new Music(musPath + "title/titlesecond.ogg");
        titleMus3 = new Music(musPath + "title/titlethird.ogg");
        System.out.println("Initialized Main Menu Music!...");
    } catch (SlickException e) {
        System.out.println("ERROR: Initializing Main Menu Sounds at " + "com.treehouseelite.tank.game.handlers.AssetHandler" + " : initSounds() Method, First Try/Catch");
    System.out.println("Initializing Loading Screen Music...");
    try {
        loadingScreenMus1 = new Music(musPath + "levels or loading screens/ActionBuilder.ogg");
        loadingScreenMus2 = new Music(musPath + "levels or loading screens/StruggleforSurvival.ogg");
        loadingScreenMus3 = new Music(musPath + "levels or loading screens/SurrealSomber.ogg");
    } catch (SlickException e) {
        System.out.println("ERROR: Initializing Loading Screen Sounds at " + "com.treehouseelite.tank.game.handlers.AssetHandler" + " : initSounds() Method, Second Try/Catch");

private static void initsComplete() {
    System.out.println("========================ALL ASSETS INITIALIZED========================");

public static void initSFX() {
    try {
        tankMove = new Sound("res/Sounds/SFX/tankMove.wav");
    } catch (SlickException e) {
    } finally {
        System.out.println("All Sound Effects Initialized...");


TileHandler.java (Game-Handlers-TileHandler.java)

public class TileHandler {

public static String mapPath = "res/World/level_";

public static int bg, paths, collision;

public static Image[][] tMapTiles = new Image[25][20];

public static boolean[][] collidableTile = new boolean[25][20];

static Graphics g = new Graphics();
static AssetHandler asset = new AssetHandler();

// The Amount of Image is too damn high!

static TiledMap tMap;

public static int wFrame = 0;

private static int id;

public static Rectangle[][] tileLayer = new Rectangle[25][20];
public static ArrayList<Rectangle> collisionTiles = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(500);

public TileHandler() {

public TileHandler(int id, Rectangle rect) {
    TileHandler.id = id;
    try {
        createTiles(id, rect);
    } catch (SlickException e) {

protected void createTiles(int id, Rectangle layer) throws SlickException {
    // Scans 0,0 to 0,20 of the tiles and then moves down the x line
    // gettings tiles
    // 0,0 = tileLayer[0][0]
    mapPath = String.format("res/World/level_%s.tmx", id);
    tMap = new TiledMap(mapPath);
    bg = tMap.getLayerIndex("background");
    paths = tMap.getLayerIndex("paths");
    collision = tMap.getLayerIndex("collision");
    // Constructs a Grid of Rectangles based on the Map's Top Left point
    for (int i = 0; i < tileLayer.length; i++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < tileLayer[0].length; y++) {
            Rectangle tile = new Rectangle((i + Reference.MAP_X) + (i * Reference.TILE_SIZE), (y + Reference.MAP_Y) + (y * Reference.TILE_SIZE), 32, 32);
            tileLayer[i][y] = tile;
     * for(int x = 0; x<collisionTiles.length; x++){ for(int y = 0;
     * y<collisionTiles[0].length; y++){ Rectangle tile = new
     * Rectangle((x+Reference.MAP_X) + (x*31),
     * (y+Reference.MAP_Y+14)+(y*31),32,32); collisionTiles[x][y] = tile; }
     * }

/** @deprecated */
public static void initSprites(Rectangle[][] layer) {
    bg = tMap.getLayerIndex("background");
    paths = tMap.getLayerIndex("paths");
    collision = tMap.getLayerIndex("collision");
    System.out.println("Initialized Sprites!");

// Initializes all tiles and put them into Image and Boolean Arrays
// Boolean Array for later use with determining whether the player or entity
// can be there. (collidableTile)
// Image array holds the tiles (tMapTiles)
public static void initTileMap() {
    new Graphics();
    // Getting Tiles based off Tile ID's
    /** DIRT PATH MAPS (Dev Map, Level 1) **/
    if ((id == 0) || (id == 1)) {
        for (int x = 0; x < tileLayer.length; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < tileLayer[0].length; y++) {
                Rectangle r = new Rectangle(tileLayer[x][y].getX(), tileLayer[x][y].getY(), 32, 32);
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, bg) == 1) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.sparseGrass;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 2) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.water11;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 57) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.concrete1;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 71) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.concrete2;
                    // collisionTiles.add(new
                    // Rectangle(tileLayer[x][y].getX(),
                    // tileLayer[x][y].getY()+14, 32, 32)) ;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 85) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.concrete3;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 72) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.metal1;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, collision) == 58) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.metal2;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 50) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.hDirtPath;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 60) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtPath;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 59) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtPathTurn4;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 73) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtPathTurn3;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 79) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtThreewayRight;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 46) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtPathTurn1;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 37) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.hDirtCrossing1;
                if ((tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 80) || (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 88)) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtThreewayLeft;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 102) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtThreewayDown;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 74) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtPathTurn2;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 107) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtThreewayUp;
                if (tMap.getTileId(x, y, paths) == 88) {
                    tMapTiles[x][y] = AssetHandler.dirtCrossroads;

public void drawTileMap(Rectangle[][] layer, Image[][] tiles, Graphics g) {
    // Loops through the Image array and places tile based on the Top Left
    // corner of the Rectangle in the rectangle array
    // Rectangle Array = layer (tileLayer was passed)
    // Image Array = tiles (tMapTiles was passed)
    // Asset Refers to Asset Handler
    for (int x = 0; x < layer.length; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < layer[0].length; y++) {
            g.drawImage(tiles[x][y], layer[x][y].getX(), layer[x][y].getY());
            // Below here is image detection for the placement of Animations
            if (tiles[x][y] == AssetHandler.water11) {
                AssetHandler.vRiver1.draw(layer[x][y].getX(), layer[x][y].getY());
            } else if (tiles[x][y] == AssetHandler.hDirtCrossing1) {
                AssetHandler.hDirtCrossing.draw(layer[x][y].getX(), layer[x][y].getY());


最后,MapHandler.java——非常稀疏使用,主要目标是初始化一个 TileHandler 对象来构造用于构造 TiledMap 的 tile 网格。

public class MapHandler {

public static AssetHandler asset = new AssetHandler();

static Image devMap;

Image map_1;

Image map_2;

Image map_3;

public static Rectangle Map32;

public MapHandler() {

// Sends a Rectangle set Around the Map Image to TileHandler
// to construct a grid of 32x32 Rectangles inside the Map's Rectangle
public static void deployMap(int id) {
    if (id == 0) {
        new TileHandler(id, Map32);

// Randomly Generates a Map ID corresponding to a Level_X.tmx
// Currently set to 0 for development purposes
public static int getMapID() {
    new Random();
    return 0;
    // return id;

/* Create the Rectangle and Grid */
public static void mapRect() throws SlickException {
    System.out.println("Initializing Rectangular Plane...");
    Map32 = new Rectangle(Reference.GUI_WIDTH / 24, Reference.GUI_HEIGHT / 24, 800, 640);
    System.out.println("Map32 Initialized!...");



由于问题文本框的 30k 字符限制,事情被删掉了。大部分在疯狂拥挤的 AssetHandler.java 中,但它仍然存在于 git 存储库中。


1 回答 1


我有同样的问题。搜索了一段时间后,我遇到了这个巧妙的解决方案。请参阅此 LWJGL 论坛帖子

    public static void main(String[] args) throws SlickException {
        /* Set lwjgl library path so that LWJGL finds the natives depending on the OS. */
        String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
        // Get .jar dir. new File(".") and property "user.dir" will not work if .jar is called from
        // a different directory, e.g. java -jar /someOtherDirectory/myApp.jar
        String nativeDir = "";
        try {
            nativeDir = new File(GameMain.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()).getParent();
        } catch (URISyntaxException uriEx) {
            try {
                // Try to resort to current dir. May still fail later due to bad start dir.
                nativeDir = new File(".").getCanonicalPath();
            } catch (IOException ioEx) {
                // Completely failed
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new JFrame(), "Failed to locate native library directory. " +
                        "Error:\n" + ioEx.toString(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        // Append library subdir
        nativeDir += File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "native" + File.separator;
        if (osName.startsWith("Windows")) {
            nativeDir += "windows";
        } else if (osName.startsWith("Linux") || osName.startsWith("FreeBSD")) {
            nativeDir += "linux";
        } else if (osName.startsWith("Mac OS X")) {
            nativeDir += "macosx";
        } else if (osName.startsWith("Solaris") || osName.startsWith("SunOS")) {
            nativeDir += "solaris";
        } else {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new JFrame(), "Unsupported OS: " + osName + ". Exiting.",
                    "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        System.setProperty("org.lwjgl.librarypath", nativeDir);

请记住,您需要同一目录中的 lib 文件夹。我将我的存储在 .jar 之外,但也可以将它放在里面。还要注意它需要在你做任何 LWJGL 之前发生,所以 main 方法是一个好地方。

于 2013-09-02T00:05:39.537 回答