我正在尝试自学 PHP。我一直在寻找如何使这项工作。
$page_title = "MATH203 | Journey to my Oasis";
$grade = "A = 185/185";
$course_title = "Applications of Discrete Mathematics";
$course_description = "Math. A fun four letter word. A lot of people have issues with this subject. I like math. I am not proficient by any stretch of the imagination, but I like it. It is challenging. Having this course after programming, I believe, will allow me to think of it in the manner in which it is intended. The professor is also teaches computer science. This should be interesting.";
<?php include("../includes/header.php");?>
<?php include("../includes/navigation.php");?>
<?php include("../includes/classannounce.php");?>
<div id="content">
<div id="content_container">
<div class="one_half">
<h3>Discussion Board Posts</h3>
<a href="url" target="_blank">Week 1</a>
Grade - A
<a href="url" target="_blank">Week 2</a>
Not yet graded
<a href="url" target="_blank">Week 3</a>
Grade - A
<a href="url" target="_blank">Week 5</a>
Grade - B-
<li>All links open a new window</li>
</div><!--end content_container-->
</div><!--end content-->
'<?php include("../includes/footer.php");?>
我想做的是有一个单独的 PHP 文件,我将它包含在头 PHP 文件中,这样它就可以随处可见,只是为了减少代码量。
目前我正在做的只是在我还没有想到的几周内隐藏 html。我使用原始页面作为模板,并随时更改它。我正在尝试更多地合并 PHP,以便我可以更轻松地进行更改,以便我可以尝试尽可能多地学习。我认为通过调用一个函数并用所需的变量填充它,我可以减少所需的代码和所需的时间。
function assignment()
$skydoc = '';
$week_no = '';
$grade_letter = '';
echo '<li><a href="', $skydoc, '" target="_blank">Week ', $week_no,
'</a> Grade - ', $grade_letter, '</li>';
assignment($skydoc = 'url', $week_no = '2', $grade_letter = '?')
为了测试目的,我在同一个文件中尝试了它,但是当我在我的服务器上尝试它时,我在 HTML 中得到的只是这个
<a href="" target="_blank">Week </a>
Grade -