我在旧的 IIS 机器上使用以下代码为我为 android 和 ios 设备构建的移动应用程序生成 XML ......它有效,但我现在想弄清楚我将如何按上次修改日期排序所以该列表顶部有最新的文件......我的问题是,根据我在下面的代码结构,
<%Response.ContentType = "text/xml"%>
<%Response.AddHeader "Content-Type","text/xml"%>
dim fs,fo,x
dim i
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'point to a specific folder on the server to get files listing from...
set fo=fs.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("./songs"))
i = -1
for each x in fo.files
'loop through all the files found, use var 'i' as a counter for each...
i = i + 1
'only get files where the extension is 'mp3' -- we only want the mp3 files to show in list...
if right(x,3) = "mp3" then
<name><%= replace(replace(x.Name, "-", " "), ".mp3", "")%></name>
end if
set fo=nothing
set fs=nothing