我是 WPF 新手,看起来我也不完全了解 C#。
下面的代码应该为 DataGrid 提供排序数据。
ObservableCollection<Person> PersonsCollection = new ObservableCollection<Person>();
//this one is easy: I create new collection for objects of class Person and I call it PersonsCollection
ICollectionView PersonsView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(PersonsCollection);
//this one is more complicated. Does it mean that I create new object called PersonsView which I assume that implements ICollectionView interface?
ListCollectionView personsView = PersonsView as ListCollectionView;
//this one I do not understand. Why do we need it? How can we treat PersonsView as ListCollectionView?
personsView.CustomSort = new PersonSorter();
//here we assign object of PersonSorter class to do the sorting. Fine with me.
dataGrid1.ItemsSource = personsView;
//and here we assign personsView as a ItemsSource for our DataGrid. Fine with me.
有什么帮助吗?谢谢 :-)