我正在使用 perlParallel::ForkManager并行启动多个应用程序。我有两个子例程,一个用于启动应用程序,另一个用于对由于应用程序完整运行而生成的输出文件执行数据处理。在第一个子例程中,我system()调用cd所需的目录并在那里启动应用程序。在调用之后,我在第一个子例程中调用第二个子例程system()



#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
use Getopt::Long;

# Get input from the command line. Also get max_no_processes for Parallel::ForkManager
# Perform operations on the input file and seperate out data from them in form of arrays.   
# The arrays thus formed contain arguments for the application and path_to_directory where operation is to be performed

my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($max_no_processes);

for (my $i = 0; $i < $#input; $i++){  #----> @input is the array containing the input for  the application. using its length as max value.
    $pm->start and next;
    &subroutine1( $input[$i], $path_to_directory[$i] );


sub subroutine1{
    my($input, $dir) = @_;

    system("cd dir && APPLICAION -$input");


sub subroutin2{
     my ($dir) = @_;

     # data processing
     # print to stdout and file

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