在 Actionscript3 中使用 ONE Sound() 对象,如何播放一个 MP3,然后,当用户选择不同的 MP3 时,使用 SAME Sound() 对象播放第二个声音?



2 回答 2



一旦load()Sound对象上调用,您就不能稍后将不同的声音文件加载到该 Sound 对象中。要加载不同的声音文件,请创建一个新Sound对象。

于 2009-12-06T13:08:00.803 回答

好的,我实际上是使用以下代码完成的。我的错误在 FLA 文件中的其他地方,但这有效。我创建了一个未初始化的全局变量,并在函数内部本地创建了 Sound() 对象。虽然我在技术上使用多个声音对象,但我的引用都指向一个对象。此外,我可以将这些方法相互调用以简化编码。这对我有用:

    /* -------------

Sound player

 ------------ */

var snd:Sound;                      //the sound object
var sndC:SoundChannel;              //the soudchannel used as "controller"
var sndT:SoundTransform;            //soundTransform used for volume 
var vol:Number = 1;                 //the volume of the song
var pan:Number = 0;                 //panning of the sound
var pos:Number = 0;                 //position of the song 
var currentSound:String;                //currently playing song?

function playSound(s:String){                                   //this function resets the sound and plays it
    stopSound(sndC);                                            //stop the sound from playing
    snd = new Sound();                                          //reset the sound
    snd.load(new URLRequest(s));                                //load the desired sound    
    sndC = new SoundChannel();                                  //(re-)apply the sound channel
    applyVolume(vol,pan,sndT,sndC);                             //apply the volume
    sndC = snd.play(pos);                                       //play it
    sndC.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, startSound);    //remind it to restart playing when it's done
}                                                               //end function

function applyVolume(n:Number, p:Number, st:SoundTransform, sc:SoundChannel){   //takes an argument for the volume, pan, soundTYransform and soundChannel
    sndT = new SoundTransform(n,p);                                             //applies the soundTransfrom settings
    sndC.soundTransform = sndT;                                                 //and attaches it to the soundChannel
}                                                                               //end function

function stopSound(sndC:SoundChannel){          //this function stops a sound from playing
    if(sndC != null){                           //if the sound was used before (ie: playing)
        if(currentLabel == "video-frame"){      //if we are in the video frame
          pos = sndC.position;                  //store the position of the song to play from at a later time
        }else{                                  //otherwise
          pos = 0;                              //set the position at 0
        }                                       //end if
        sndC.stop();                            //stop it
    }                                           //end if
}                                               //end function

function startSound(snd:Sound){                 //restarts a  sound when it's playing
    if(snd != null){                            //if the sound exists   
        sndC = snd.play(pos);                   //play it
    }                                           //end if
}                                               //end function
于 2009-12-06T13:18:11.577 回答