
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;

namespace ThreadSample

    class FunWithVehicles
           public void VehicleThread1()
                  Console.WriteLine("Type Of Vehicle Is Car\nRegisteration Number Is: TN0098 1234\nLicense Number Is APK32456\nVehicle Number Is 1"); 

           public void VehicleThread2()
                  Console.WriteLine("Type Of Vehicle Is Van\nRegisteration Number Is: TN0012 2385\nLicense Number Is UKL37899\nVehicle Number Is 2");    
           public void VehicleThread3()
                 Console.WriteLine("Type Of Vehicle Is Truck\nRegisteration Number Is: TN1798 8907\nLicense Number Is MNT59863\nVehicle Number Is 3");    
           public void VehicleThread4()
                 Console.WriteLine("Type Of Vehicle Is Tanker\nRegisteration Number Is: TN3987 5357\nLicense Number Is RTJ23498\nVehicle Number Is 4"); 
           public void VehicleThread5()
                 Console.WriteLine("Type Of Vehicle Is Bus\nRegisteration Number Is: TN9768 3212\nLicense Number Is RTJ98734\nVehicle Number Is 5"); 
     class TollGate
            \\ retrieving the randomly stored object happens here and it will check a parameter
            \\ The Parameter Function is to check whether the sent object was already sent and to see whether the previous number is remaining since all the threads have to be sent sequentially
     class Simulate
            public static void Main()
                  Simulate s = new Simulate();
                  Simulate n = new Simulate();
                  FunWithVehicles f = new FunWithVehicles();
                  ThreadStart Ref1 = new ThreadStart(f.VehicleThread1);
                  ThreadStart Ref2 = new ThreadStart(f.VehicleThread2);
                  ThreadStart Ref3 = new ThreadStart(f.VehicleThread3);
                  ThreadStart Ref4 = new ThreadStart(f.VehicleThread4);
                  ThreadStart Ref5 = new ThreadStart(f.VehicleThread5);                     
                  Thread Th1 = new Thread(Ref1);
                  Thread Th2 = new Thread(Ref2);
                  Thread Th3 = new Thread(Ref3);
                  Thread Th4 = new Thread(Ref4);
                  Thread Th5 = new Thread(Ref5);
                  ArrayList items = new ArrayList();
                  Random rnd = new Random();
                  int r = rnd.Next(items.Count);
                  // storing will happen here and it will be sent to the TollGate class to check the parameter
                 // If there are no previous numbers and if is not sent, it will be processed  and displayed  in the TollGate class and decremented from the array list right here in the simulate class, so the next time only 4 objects will be remaining and once all the threads are processed the application stops 


我想随机选择一个对象并将其存储,以便可以将其发送到另一个班级。我不知道究竟要在参数函数中放入什么以使其工作以及如何使其减量部分工作。任何帮助将不胜感激。对于显示我得到了 Thread.Start(); 但是如何将它融合到现有代码中以使其工作。如何对线程或函数进行编号,以便它知道按顺序处理线程。


2 回答 2



使用RandomNext(int minvalue, int maxvalue)方法给出小于数组列表长度的值。



ArrayList ar = new ArrayList();

//Fill Array List

Random r = new Random();

int rand = r.Next(0, ar.Count);

var value = ar[rand];
于 2013-08-31T01:54:45.617 回答

您可以使用已有的 Random,然后执行此操作。

 object picked = items[rnd.Next(0,items.Count)];
于 2013-08-31T01:59:52.383 回答