我正在尝试更改将数据写入表的条件。尝试更改此设置时,我注意到了一个奇怪的结果:无论我对其施加什么条件,WriteToTable 函数似乎都会运行。为了测试这一点,我做了以下事情:
var TestThis=0;
if (TestThis=1000){
WriteToTable(iPlaceDisplayNum, place.name, place.rating, xScoreFinal, iProspect, place.url, place.formatted_phone_number);
alert ('This alert should not be displaying.');
function printme(place, status) {
if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
if (typeof place.reviews !== 'undefined') {
var xScore = 0;
var xGlobal = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < place.reviews.length; i++) {
reviews = place.reviews[i];
for (var x = 0; x < reviews.aspects.length; x++) {
aspectr = reviews.aspects[x];
xScore += aspectr.rating;
var xScoreFinal = (xScore / xGlobal);
if (typeof xScoreFinal !== 'undefined') {
var iProspect;
if (xScoreFinal < 2.3) {
iProspect = 'Yes';
//Not sure what's going on here
var TestThis=0;
if (TestThis=1000){
WriteToTable(iPlaceDisplayNum, place.name, place.rating, xScoreFinal, iProspect, place.url, place.formatted_phone_number);
alert ('This alert should not be displaying.');