I am new to Biztalk and I am receiving this error (At first I wasnt worried but I have been receiving it daily for a week now) -

Severity:  Information
Status:  Resolved
Source:  Processor:  % Processor Time:  _Total
Name:  Copy of Production BizTalk CPU Util > 80%
Description:  Processor:  % Processor Time:  _Total value = 98.1562719649467
Domain:  TMM
Agent:  T00TNI01
Time:  8/28/2013 19:55:00

After some digging I believe that this is due to a long running transaction in BizTalk that is consuming over 80% of the CPU on the server. But how would I go about finding which transaction is causing the issue? Would I have to log onto the server or can I use the BizTalk Admin Console?


1 回答 1


仅消息中没有足够的信息。您似乎有周期性的 CPU 利用率峰值触发监控警报。CPU 使用率高的原因有很多:大型消息转换、BAM 跟踪数据库溢出、任何其他复合原因,其中一些可能根本与 BizTalk 无关。但可以肯定的是,长期运行的交易并不是值得怀疑的。您必须进行更多故障排除。下载并运行 BizTalk MsgBoxViewer 应用程序以找出消耗高 CPU 的主机实例。甚至任务管理器也可以用于初步了解。然后,您在性能监控 MMC 管理单元中有大量与 BizTalk 相关的性能计数器,以便进行详细调查。

于 2013-08-30T20:53:34.920 回答