
Feature: Multiple site support
  As a Mephisto site owner
  I want to host blogs for different people
  In order to make gigantic piles of money

    Given a global administrator named "Greg"
    And a blog named "Greg's anti-tax rants"
    And a customer named "Dr. Bill"
    And a blog named "Expensive Therapy" owned by "Dr. Bill"

  Scenario: Dr. Bill posts to his own blog
    Given I am logged in as Dr. Bill
    When I try to post to "Expensive Therapy"
    Then I should see "Your article was published."

  Scenario: Dr. Bill tries to post to somebody else's blog, and fails
    Given I am logged in as Dr. Bill
    When I try to post to "Greg's anti-tax rants"
    Then I should see "Hey! That's not your blog!"

1 回答 1



Feature: Simple and successful
  As the Lettuce maintainer
  In order to make sure the output is pretty
  I want to automate its test

    Given the variable "X" holds 2

  Scenario: multiplication changing the value
    Given the variable "X" is equal to 2
于 2013-08-30T04:39:19.960 回答