Ok, probably a stupid question. But here goes... I know on regular websites a hashtag is an anchor to an element on the page, however, how does this work in mobile devices? It seems to me that mobile devices can use hashtags to slide to another section on the same page, sort of like another page.
How do urls work like that in mobile devices?? I've been to the jquerymobile.com site and noticed the webapp builder on the homepage, offers the ability to change features to slide, slideup, slidedown, fade, pop, etc. etc., however, the only URL to choose from is always "HOME" for these features. And home points to #page1
, which is odd that it has a hashtag in it. How do mobile devices work with these hashtags? More importantly, how do I add the ability to slide to that hashtag, as in the way jquerymobile.com implies in the webapp builder?
I've tried doing my own research on this via google, but no luck, as mobile hashtags
keeps bringing up other results, not what I am asking for here.