function DialogWindow(contents, clickEvent){
// given a contents we can create a DialogWindow of that content
this.contents = contents;
this.domElement = $(".hideMe");
this.test = function(){
$("div").click(this.test); //<-note this spot
This function simply returns the html representation of the contents
This function should be called withen WindowPage so that it can fully figure out what
container: the container that containes the WindowPage that this is apart of
lanes: the number of lanes on the page. Defined as: lanes = (number of columns in WindowPage) * 3 + 1
this.toHtml = function(container, lanes){
var dialogWidth = container.width()/(lanes/2);
var dialogSep = container.width()/lanes;
var htmlWindow = jQuery('<div/>', {
id: "dialogWindow"
}).css("width", dialogWidth).css("height", dialogWidth).css("position","absolute");
this.domElement = htmlWindow;
return htmlWindow;
我的目标是点击 htmlWindow,执行 DialogWindow 的功能。但是,每当我这样做时,所有 DialogWindows 属性都会返回未定义。如果我替换该行:
然后函数 test() 立即触发并工作(即将 this.contents 打印到控制台)。但是,如果我保持原样(即我等待单击以使 test() 函数触发),那么它将 undefined 打印到控制台。