Here is a fiddle of my problem.

Basically, I made a chart with d3.js. When a piece of the chart is hovered over I want the data for that piece to be displayed. I want to be able to style the data being displayed so I have it output with span's using .html() (can be seen on line 93 of the fiddle) but it doesn't seem to work. For some reason if I change it to .text() though it is changed fine, but then I have the html being displayed too.

This also needs to work in IE8, that's why r2d3.js has been included.

Thanks for your time!


1 回答 1


检查这个更新的小提琴.. http://jsfiddle.net/njKzg/2/

$(".totals").html($(class1).html() );


于 2014-02-27T06:40:56.750 回答